fired (edited)

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ring ring ...ring ring

its six in the morning and the phone continues to ring without stopping ...

all of a sudden she wakes up and sits in weird way as if someone has pulled her by the hand , she picks her phone up and puts an end to all that ringing that has been hunting her she looks at the clock and panics as if she has seen a ghost on her screen

she opens the phone as fast as possible and she calls her boss

ring ring ring.... -ohh my god please pick up please

"hello who is it?!" an old man's voice comes through the phone

"It's me sir ... its jasmine "

"oh, jasmine yeahhh...what's going on?!"

"Sir you told me yesterday to wake you up so you can get ready for your flight back home, and you told me remind you to buy gifts for the madam and for the young master"

"oh, right thank you jasmine i am up now, i will call you when i leave the hotel so we can work on our schedule for tomorrow"

"okay sir, no problem i will start working on it in advance ... if you don't need anything else sir i will be hanging up first , oh and sir don't forget to take your medicine after you eat your breakfast ... goodbye"

she hanged up her phone and put it in the table with a look of relief on her face and feeling of satisfaction she sighs, and gets out of her bed she moves slowly towards the bathroom to brush her teeth

she looks at the mirror and grasp her hair

omg! i did it again i forgot to wash my hair ... does it smell bad i don't have enough time to wash it now and get done , what to do? i guess i will put it up for today, i really shouldn't have stayed up all night again working on that silly project how do i end up in these situations all the time , i guess i really am an idiot , jasmine thought to herself

she left the bathroom to hold her phone again as she looks at picture of her family back home she has a sad smile that barely reach her ears , she recorded her daily massage to her mom as if it's the most important thing in her life

"hey mom, its jasmine i missed you guys so much i just woke up and i am getting changed to get to work, i hope you're feeling well today make sure to stay warm and say hello to everyone back home , don't worry I am doing great and when i have enough time I will call again , love you!"

okay i should get ready for work, what should i wear today ?! am not wearing heals that's for sure! i will wear something as comfortable as possible "

after a few minutes she looks at mirror and it seems as if she decided to wear a big shirt with tight jeans and a white a sneaker that are acutely new and had a small amount of make up on

"well that's good enough" she said to herself

that's when her phone rings , she runs over to pick up her phone and ends up stumbling with her pajamas that she left on the floor

"ouch !!!" but she gets up to pick her phone ...

"ahhhhh hello yes sir"

"jasmine why is your breathing so heavy ?! did you fall again"

"no no! no sir i was in another room and i ran to pick up the phone"

"will that's good, but i wouldn't be surprised to hear that u have fallen again, your still clumsy after all, hahahahaha"

"please don't laugh at me sir , it's not nice, but still I can't deny that fact sir "

"jasmine i need you to appoint me a meeting with the CEO of *h&w* company tell him that the CEO of lee enterprise would like to talk to him"

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