the truth

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after driving Sam and Jin home, jasmine and john decided to go set somewhere quiet so they can talk and drink some coffee ,they left the car in the parking lot and bought two cups of hot coffee and walked on the streets until they reached a beautiful view of the sea, they sat together and felt the breeze on their faces and started talking 

"I am in trouble"

"you think " john said

"but I don't really think its called trouble jasmine, liking Sam is not that a big of a deal actually , but it is weird that's for sure"

"stop making fun of him, he really is a good guy, and its hard to find one of those lately"

"oh, god don't kill me i am just joking" 

"but what do you mean by it is not really a trouble?"

"I mean that maybe liking Sam is a good thing for you, actually both of you, Sam needs someone like you in his life "

"but he is my boss, he is the owner of one of the biggest companies in the country, we are two different people, from different worlds...

"if you talk like that, there is no way your going to have a chance with Sam, I think Sam likes you or feels comfortable with you because your different from others, most girls target him because he is rich or because he is handsome but your different , Sam was hurt before, he needs someone to heal him ,not break his heart again, and I believe you can do that, there is no difference between you both, no amount of money in the world can describe a the value of a person, it's all in the heart, actually Sam's mom and grandma both came from a normal family not the rich type "

"your right but maybe he doesn't even like me , like I do, maybe if I stay as his friend it will be better "

"can I ask you a question jass ?"

"yeah of course sir"

"first don't call me sir out of work hours, okay !"

"hahah okay "

"what do you like about Sam ?"

"when I look in his eyes I fell like I have fallen inside a big ocean , I love his voice when he calms me down, I like the fact that he cares but doesn't show it , every time I stare in his eyes I lose all my troubles and pain, I hate the fact that he is hurt but doesn't talk about it , but still I love his courage... "

"okay stop already I am afraid this might take forever if you continue , god !"

"hahah sorry, we should leave its really late "

"yeah lets go " that's when all of sudden an idea came to john's mind

"wait stop!"

"what ?"

"lets take a picture with the view it will be a nice memory "

"yeah why not!"

John puts his hand on jasmine's back and hugged her while jasmine puted her hands in his shoulders and they took the picture, and while jasmine was walking away john posted the photo on his instgram account and wrote "having fun with a fine lady "and he smiled and continued walking to the his car 

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