chapter one - pain

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"Night lights are for kids."

"You are a kid, Steven."

Pearl was crouched in Steven's room by the bed, plugging a small night light into a socket. The light was shaped like a sun behind a cloud. She had gotten it from Greg earlier; he said it used to be Steven's when he was very young, before he moved in with the Gems. She had only just told Steven about it a few minutes ago, as it was getting late and he'd be going to bed soon.

Steven mumbled something as Pearl stood up and she put her hands on her hips. "You haven't been able to sleep almost at all for the past five weeks, Steven. Not since…this—" she gestured to the small horns protruding from Steven's skull "—Started happening." She sighed.

"Pearl, I—I'm fine, I just—" Steven stammered as Pearl sat next to him on his bed.

"Listen, Steven…I know this is all hard. It's hard on everyone. We're all doing our best to find a cure for this…or at least something to stop it from getting worse. Just, work with me. This…this is the best I've got, okay?" Pearl placed her hand on the boy's and gave it a squeeze.

The other Gems were off searching for something today. It was Pearl's turn to stay home. Next would be Amethyst's, then Garnet. They'd been taking turns watching him and going out, watching him, going out, ever since they discovered his corruption. It would be several days before the small party of two returned to swap out. Steven was never allowed to join them.

He'd hidden corruption from them. They noticed changes, but didn't think much of them; he started wearing sneakers one day, wearing a hooded jacket another. Steven had claimed that he was just trying new clothes, and that was that. Nothing too out of the ordinary for Steven. Those excuses, however, did not work for long.

He had dark purple splotches visible on his hands and legs, four inch long horns coming out of his head. He had claws on his hands and feet. His whole body felt sore. And ever since this started he'd been having…hallucinations at night when he'd try to sleep. They've gotten worse in the past couple weeks. There are things in the dark, things Steven knows aren't real but at the same time their presence is so strong.

"I think the light will help, Steven," Pearl said gently. "I know you don't want it. But a little light can keep things away. It's worth a try."

Steven looked at the little night light in his wall and rested his head on Pearl's shoulder. She was probably right. He hoped so. He was so tired…

"I'm scared, Pearl."

Pearl hummed sadly and put her arm around him.

"We all are," she said quietly, rubbing his arm. They were all so scared. When the pool didn't work, even with the Diamonds, they had all started to panic, including the Diamonds. Spinel took it especially bad. She'd been crying into Steven's jacket for a solid thirty minutes when the healing pool didn't work. Her first real friend in six thousand years was…losing himself. No one wanted that. Certainly not her.

Everyone was terrified.

Pearl stood up. "Try and get some sleep tonight," she said, leaning down to give Steven a kiss on his forehead. He smiled up at her. Ever since this started she'd been giving him kisses. It helped, just a little bit. Pearl went and switch the night light on, turned the lights off, and quietly walked down the stairs. Steven didn't hear the door close. She never closed it completely.

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