CHAPTER 1: Hell?

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No One Pov

Y/N is not an average boy. He lives in his so-called 'Room', which is behind a secret door in the walls. He is hated by Summer, his mother, and Tai, the father. He doesn't know why they hate him, but one thing is for sure. He is purely terrified of them. His two sisters, Ruby and Yang, are forced to beat him due to Tai. Summer doesn't care that much, but does stop Tai before he goes too far. The room is soundproof so when they have company over no one knows about it. Y/N is currently in his "Room" looking at the ceiling. He was humming a song that he heard from Yang. He lost track of how long its been since he was in there.

Y/N Pov

I was in my room doing nothing as usual. I was just waiting for the door to open so that either Mom or Dad would come in and tell me what to do. I do a great job most of the time so that's a plus, but even if I do Dad beast me as hard as he can. I heard the door being unlocked and stood up without saying anything. I saw that it was "Uncle Qrow". He was drunk as usual. I didn't speak and closed my eyes as he smashed a bottle over my head.

No One Pov

Qrow laughed as Y/N was knocked to the ground. Y/N sat up as some blood trickled down his face. Ruby peeked into the room and just watched as Qrow beat Y/N in his drunken state. After he finished he walked out and closed the door. Ruby was afraid as she saw some blood on Qrows knuckles. He looked down and saw Ruby

Qrow: hey *HICC* Kiddo

He pats her head and walked away almost falling. She wanted to go and check on Y/N, but she also didn't want to get in trouble. She hesitantly reached for the doorknob, but when she tried to open it, it was locked. She let go and walked away.

Time Skip

Y/N was in the kitchen cooking dinner for his "Family". He had finished making them dinner and placed the plates on the table. They started to eat as Y/N served Zwei his food. The Corgi barked and licked Y/N as he smiled. Summer was the first to finish and she held her plate out as Y/N walked over and took the plate. He gave her another serving and walked back over. He was a few feet away, but Zwei jumped at him and caused Y/N to fall and drop the hor food onto Summer.

Summer: AH! You little shit!

She stood up, pissed as she looked down on Y/N. He cowered in fear. He mumbled something, but she didn't hear him

Summer: what was that!?

Y/N: I-I said I'm s-sorry

He backed away from her. A bit as she still looked pissed. Suddenly Y/N's irises changed color

Y/N: stupid bitch

They turned back to his normal color and his eyes widened out of fear as Summer grabbed his hair.

Summer: I heard that asshole!!

Y/N: p-p-please! I'm sorry!!

She dragged him away by his hair as he pleaded for help, but they ignored him. Ruby and Yang wanted to, but they were afraid.


Summer came back down after two hours and sat on the couch next to Tai.

Tai: you um.. okay

She didn't say anything and just watched the TV. Tai looked at the stairs and felt a little worried because Summer was up their longer than he was. He is normally there for about Fifteen minutes.

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