Chapter 2: Actually Hell

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No One Pov

It was the next morning, Charlie and Alastor were cooking breakfast for the kids and Angel, But Y/N wasn't there. Charlie had a worried look on her face as she looked at the table every four minutes

Alastor: what is wrong my dear

He said with his normal toothy smile.

Charlie: Y/N isn't down here. I woke him up, but he's not coming down.

Alastor: Hmmm

Alastor put down his spatula and took off his apron. He took a few steps towards the table, but warped away.

Angel: I hate it when he does that

He said as he drank his coffee.


Alastor reappeared in front of Y/N's door. He grabbed the knob and opened the door. He looked and saw Y/N sitting on the bed, just sitting there. Alastor walked in and sat down next to Y/N

Alastor: What is wrong my boy?

Y/N: w-waiting for permission to come out of the room

Alastor lost his smile and sighed put his hand on Y/N's shoulder causing him to flinch. 

Alastor: My boy I know it is something that is usual for you back when you were alive, but you are here now. You can do whatever you desire. You don't need permission to come out of your room.. Unless Charlie says you're grounded which won't happen because you are the most behaved out of the three we have. HELL just yesterday Alexander shot Elizabeth with a gun again! HAHAHAHA

Y/N let out a small giggle as Alastor stood up. He turned around and held his hand out to Y/N

Alastor: Now come along Y/N, breakfast is ready. And put on a smile, you're never fully dressed without one

Alastor said with his glowing toothy smile. Y/N smiled as well and grabbed his hand and Alastor led him downstairs. 


Alexander and Elizabeth were in fancy clothing while they both had a look of boredom on their faces. Y/N on the other hand had a blank expression. He was holding Charlies hand while they walked down the street

Alexander: why couldn't we just take the Limo?

Charlie: because you kids are getting fat

Elizabeth: RUDE!

Y/n didn't say anything as they had finally reached back to the Hotel

Charlie: SEE!? how was a walk through the city that bad?


Charlie: and what did you do?

Alexander: *SIGH* Bite his leg and tore his throat out

Charlie: Good.. well not exactly, but its self-defense

They walked inside and saw Alastor on the phone. He saw them and hung up

Alastor: Charlie dear, come here for a second

She let go of Y/N's hand and walked over. They whispered to each other for a bit until Charlie's eyes widened. She let out a sigh and walked back over

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