Roommates whose idea was it

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When do you think Harry and Louis decided to be roommates? And whose idea was it?

Well, according to Harry, they’d “always said they wanted to move in together”. With that in mind, I really do think that they’d talked about since they met to be honest, like even before Judges’ Houses’.  I truly believe that they just clicked instantly. Also, if they met before Boot Camp, there’s always the possibility that they exchanged numbers and were already best friends (and in love) before they were even put together in the band. But then after that they had the whole entire week, and maybe even more, time together in the Bungalow and they were spending every waking moment together. Another thing, I really believe they had more than a week between the bungalow and Judges’ Houses’ because isn’t there like a month or two between bootcamp and then? Anyway, I think they decided it early on. Like maybe they were even like “hey, if this group thing doesn’t work out we should totally move to London together and stay best friends”, you feel me?

Now, when we get to whose idea it was I don’t even know… both of theirs? I can picture Louis thinking along those lines but being too nervous and insecure to say anything because what if Harry said no? So here’s what I think.

They’re lying together in the bungalow, all curled up together in a giant cowman-proof tangle of limbs on the living room floor and because it’s almost morning all the other boys have long since fallen asleep but Harry and Louis are still giggling together with their faces all close and they’re talking about EVERYTHING, what their hometowns are like and their family and friends and their favourite football teams and where they’ve travelled and where they want to travel and embarrassing toilet stories and Niall’s deafening snore and how insanely exciting all of this is. And Louis’ totally uncomfortable and squished but he doesn’t even care, because he’d rather have Zayn’s elbow digging into his back and be slipping into the crack between the two air mattresses than lying any further away from Harry and Harry, he’s talking about what he wants to make them for breakfast in three hours and telling some story about Gemma setting a toaster on fire and Louis just thinks, I want this every night.

And it’d be like a punch in the gut and all these thoughts would be flying around his head and he’d be thinking that no matter what happens with TXF, this feels permanent. But since it’s Louis and ew vulnerability, he’d say something light and joking like “Well you’re quite the domestic housewife Haz. If this X Factor thing doesn’t work out we should totally move to London and elope and survive off nothing but our love.”

And Harry would just stop talking and look at him with wide eyes and smile making his dimples show and be like “………………………….yes. We totally should Lou let’s do it lets live together in London. I could cook and you could watch and taste it and tell me it needs more salt or has too much salt and we could keep singing, we could sing together Lou oh my god let’s do it. Okay goodnight boo, you’re gonna be a great roommate.”

And all through this all they could think was this is what I want, I want that man right there.

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