smile Ch 1.

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A/N Just a random dream, it will be only one chapter*This is the full short story, I will continue it after I finish Reliance!) A/N

The punch snapped my head back and made my vision swarm and I tried to breath through the pain that ricocheted through my body and not swallow to much of the blood spilling into my mouth.

Ray said to much blood in my stomach would make me sick.

"Where is he?" Dead man number one asked as I lulled my head back forward and took a deep breath only to tell them "My boyfriend isn't going to be happy you left a mark" with with a big smile making Deadman number two punch me so hard everything went black and I started to Remeber how I came to be in this situation.

Silent tears ran down my face as I laid sprawled on my side on the hard linoleum covered concrete floors in the little closet like room. There was an old mattress stained with my blood and bodily fluids left from my cousin and aunt when they decided to pay me a visit.

Memphis had just left and I couldn't bare to look at the nasty bed or my blood covered legs as the words he roughly whispered in my ears played over and over in my head, 'Your so pretty... So fucking pretty Kellan'.

I threw up the little contents of my stomach before I heard a muffled scream and a low thud come from the kitchen below my room followed by my aunts short scream.

I slowly got to my feet and made my way out into the hallway, listening as hard as I could but heard nothing but silence until I hit the main floor and heard a strange wet slashing sound as if someone was running a wet sponge back and forth in a puddle.

As I rounded the dining room that connected to the kitchen via an arched opening, I saw what was making the strange sound and my mind refused to comprehend what it was I was seeing.

A young man with shoulder length red hair pulled back into a ponytail was was sitting on the waist of my aunt on the kitchen island. The top half of her body was laying on the counter as her hips and legs lay limp slightly out as if the boy had jumped on her waist and broke her spine on the island top leaving her legs to go as the may underneath her.

The wet sound came from the boy happily pulling her insides out, splashing her blood along his bronzed skin as he acted as if he was in a bathtub and was playing with a toy, making what I assumed to be her heart and a lung bash into each other.

His lips moved as if making a pewpew noise but no sound left his mouth.

I stood there watching him for I don't know how long until I noticed Memphis sitting with his back against the fridge with at least fifty stab wounds in him but he was breathing and attempting to get up while trying to call me over.

I didn't move. I couldn't, my body just wouldn't comply and every time I looked at him I saw him laying on me. He was a rapist and a pedophile and I didn't want to help him! He was the adults he was supposed to help me! I was 16 he was 43! But in the end it didn't matter, I started to cry as I slowly slid my food forward to go to my cousin and help him but as soon as my foot moved the boys head whipped towards me. His face which had no emotions looked slightly like a gorgeous mask until it split into the creepiest smile I had ever seen making me stop all movement as my mouth fell open and I just starred at him.

As if he was a clown he proceeded to make strange faces at me, stand up then slowly lower himself backwards until his hands hit the floor and do several back flips before giving me another creepy ass smile.

I can't lie it was entertaining and I felt myself smile a little watching the strange boy who was surprisingly short, he barely reached my chest.

As he finished his seventh bow he turned away from me and produced 3 long bladed knifes and began to juggle them. His eyes never left me until he threw the knives one by one behind him and I heard a garbled scream and my blood ran cold.

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