His love was someone else's.

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We have wandered for days, no Yoshimi village to spot, just Fuzen gangs taking their trips around the land.
Wu is walking first, since after my fingers were cut off I have had some serious blood loss and my skin has become kinda whitier if thats even a word.
I dont miss my fingers really, it would have been worse if they had taken my tounge or jaw, but I should be grateful I was lucky.
"I need a break" I say and fall to my knees.
"Not yet, its not safe here, Usagi" Wu says and turns to me.
"Please, I cant walk much longer in this speed" I complain.
Wu sighs.
He seems like a different person.
He sits down besides me.
"Can I try something?" I ask.
He nods and I place my hands on his head. Each hand on each side of the head.
I search for Wu's good spirit thats inside of him, like Lucard.
He doesnt wanna show himself.
"Please show yourself" I say to the spirit.
"Dont laugh...." He says.
"Of course not" I say comforting.
He shows himself.
His colour is changing, turning darker.
"Help him please... I dont wanna turn into an evil spirit, a disgusting demon. No offense Usagi"
"No, its okey... What's your name?" I ask.
"Daniel" he answers.
I remove my hands from Wu's head.
"You must stop thinking negative, dont hurt anyone anymore" I say.
"Why? I was just getting used to it..." Wu says.
He has changed.
I feel.... scared... kinda.
I feel like he will turn against me and attack.
"Someone elses blood..." He says.
"Stop... you are scaring me...." I say.
He grins.
"I thought you loved me?" Wu asks.
"I do...."
"You are scared of losing me and get lonely again" he replies.
I dont answer.
"You are doomed without me, and either way I cant let you die either.
Because I love you too" Wu says.
He says it like its a joke.
Its unsettling.
Why did I drag him along with me? I should have killed him instead...
But I couldnt.... because I will love him anyways.
I get up on my feet and try to keep my eyes up.
"Let me carry you" Wu says.
"No" I say immediatly.
"Why not?" he asks.
"Im not weak"
"Dont fool yourself woman" He says.
It hurts.
I place my hands on his head again, same way.
I make my concious travel in his head, like if me myself was walking.
I look around. Nothing to see.
"Usagi?" I hear Daniels voice.
I turn around and a boy stands there.
"Daniel... Its difficult..."
"Kiss me" he says and comes closer.
"N-No?!" I say and take a step back.
"Wu will get jealous and will maybe forget the evil things" Daniel seems convincing.
I mean, Daniel is really hot, so I think Wu would get jealous if he really loved me.
Daniel comes closer, he is taller than me, just as I want a man to be.
"Shut Lucard out" Daniel says.
"Because without him you will think on your own, because your personality is a part of Lucard" He says.
I nod and do as he says.
"There" I say.
I feel free.
Daniel grabs my cheeks and drags me close.
"What are you doing?!" I can hear Wu.
"Ignore him" Daniel says.
I cant do as he says, and I look at Wu.
"He is himself now, the pure him" Daniel says.
I walk over to Wu.
"Why dont I love you in here?" Wu asks.
I freeze.
Wait what.
But.... Daniel sid say that the spirit inside of you affected the personality and maybe also feelings....
"I do, but... not as strong" Wu says.
I look over at Daniel, he stares at me.
I break the connection and come back in my own mind, as it should be.
Wu is staring at me.
I start walking away slowly.
"Usagi wait..."
"I dont wanna talk right now" I say and walk as fast as I can.

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