06. space

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we're still together,
we're still asking each other's day

but it seems like the space been getting bigger.

I ever asked you about losing someone,
and you said,
its one of us getting bored, it means we should meet, to re-gain the strength.

the strength for our bond.

i've been feeling it,
i've been scared,
i've been hurt,
since the day you've hurted me,

you've been asked for forgiveness,
but yet, I couldn't trust you,
in a way that I've been put my trust on you.

I'm sorry.

i've been crying to sleep,
for a few days.
you've been changing,
but I don't know the cause of it.

you said we should tighten our bond,
but yet, the space getting bigger.

i've been cried for help,
but yet, no one saves me.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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