Chapter 4:My New Life

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Kylie's P.O.V

    When we got to the mansion sally pulled me to her room. We started playing tea party suddenly my eyes closed and I fell into a slumber.

The next morning


    I woke up in my bed someone must of taken me her I looked in the corner of my room jeff jumped right in front of me"Wtf jeff!" His smirk went to a frown then he walked out. Ugh I hate being rude and borrowing ninas clothes. I walked over to her room about to knock when the door came open."Do you want to go shopping?"She started smiling jana overheard our conversation and insisted she come to I went downstairs and asked jane,sally,and ej if the wanted to go ej was the only one to come out of those 3 I also invited masky and hoodue they came to. We all went to the mall and bought clothes everyone thought we were wearing costumes we kept having to keep ej from eating people. At one point nina,jana,and ej went to the bathroom it was just me and hoodie. I told him"Hey." He looked at me confused and I just started laughing he smiled.
Hoodie's P.O.V

        She was talking to me Ive never been this nervous ever I nervously said"Hey." Back she smiled her smile was so pretty I just wanted to kiss her but that would be creepy so we just talked till the others came out of the bathroom. We walked her smile was so pretty I saw ej staring at her too I gave hima dirty look of course he didnt see it because he didn't even look at me.

Ej's P.O.V

     Kylie is so pretty her smile her flawless body I want to eat her kidneys but i can't because it would kill her. Those cheekbones so flawless her cleavage so sexy I felt someone slapped I looked at hoodie I got slapped by hoodie. I am going to kick his ass he stood there in shock of what he just did he got his courage back."A women is not a sex toy dont treat them like it!" Kylie then kissed hoodie oh this sonuvabitch was gonna die.

Hoodie's P.O.V
            Omg she just kisses me I feel like I can run a mile with the adrenaline of excitement ran through me. I smiled the biggest smile ever then we walked away from the stunded ej. We walked never looking back until I got attacked by ej he tried to choke me not today I flipped him over my shoulder and let the girls finish him off without killing him we left without ej.

2 hours later


      Ej finally got back to the mansion and went straight to his room. I went upstairs to check on Kylie I knocked on her door and she told me to come in. When I walked in she was wearing black skinny jeans and a black sports bra drying off her from a shower. I went and sat on her bed"What do you want?"she asked then sat on my lap. " I just wanted to check on you..." Her pale skin was so elegant in the sun light her hair was black and blue her eyes were hazel(light blue almost gray and a golden brown starburst in it). How could I resist I gentily said" I also came for this." I grabbed her hips and pulled her close to me my lips met hers then they moved in unison with each other we eventually had pull apart for air right when we did slendy teleported in. " I have mission for you two and jeff go to this address and kill everyone inside."We nodded,when he left we smiled at each other and i pecked her forehead"lets go get jeff."She insisted.
     We went and got jeff and went to the coordinates and did the regular throat slitting thing. As we headed back to the mansion jeff took his hoodie a shirt off I guess to impress Kylie then I put my arm around her he gave me a dirty look and I just smirked.
Kylie's P.O.V
    Oh shit they are gonna I figure out I made out with both of them shit shit shit. They are gonna hate me I wish I could just leave this place. All of the sudden I was near the edge of a cliff I jumped back and I crashed into slender"Hello child." He greeted me"Why am I here?"" Because I need to talk to you about something in private.
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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