The death

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*1 hour later*

You all had kept fun, until you and Brooke heard a newscast. The newscaster told that a dangerous serial killer - "Mr. Jinges" has escaped. You told about that news to others, but right then the newscast ended. No one didn't believe you, which was annoying. You couldn't imagine it. You were almost yelling at them, but right then you noticed Margaret, who stood front of the door. She commanded to boys go to the shower. She also complained and started to talk about sins and God. The boys left, and so did Margaret. You were with Montana and Brooke. You sat down on your bed, which was next to Brooke's bed. Brooke sat down on her bed. We talked for a while, until Montana sat next to Brooke. "Is Margaret creepy in your opinion, too?" Montana asked to you and Brooke. "Yes, and suspicious too." you answered. "What do you mean by suspicious?" Montana asked. "I don't know. I don't believe her story about how she survived." you answered, when you looked at Brooke. She was clearly upset about something. "Hey, what's wrong?" you asked, sounding worried. "I'm upset, because you're right. Margaret is creepy and suspicious. I'm also annoyed that no one doesn't believe me." Brooke answered. You were thinking of going to hug her, but then you saw that Montana hold her hand. "I'm so sorry. I promise to believe you." Montana said, when she kissed Brooke. You wanted to cry for jealous, but you couldn't. Then Brooke would've realized that you're jealous, and you didn't want to tell your feelings to her. At least not yet. You didn't want to ruin anything. Brooke didn't kiss her back. She stood up from the bed. "I...I go to outside. I'll be right back." Brooke said, when she left quickly. "You know I'm not lesbian?" Montana asked to you. "Why the hell you kissed her then?" you asked, raising your eyebrow. "I don't know. Maybe I wanted to comfort her." Montana answered.

You lied down on your bed, until the lights went off. There wasn't a single light at the camp. Not outside nor inside. Your stomach twisted. You felt very uncomfortable. You knew that something was wrong. You stood up from the bed, and walked towards the front door. "Stay here. I'll go looking for Brooke." you said to Montana, while she nodded as a response. You opened the door and walked outside. You stood still for a while, until your eyes were used to dark. You started to walk towards the forest. You were scared, but you had to find Brooke. You didn't want to abandon her. You didn't want her to be all alone in the dark. You ran, until you saw Brooke. She was sitting on the pier, but she wasn't alone. You saw a man, Richard Ramirez. The situation seemed threatening. Richard walked towards Brooke, with two knives. Brooke didn't even noticed him. She just looked at the landscape. You ran quickly towards them. When you were close enough, you were as quiet as possible. You found a glass chip from the ground. The blade was really sharp. "Hey! Hey, asshole!" you yelled, when they both turned to look at you. Brooke seemed to be so upset and scared. You quickly made a wound to Richard's arm. You almost stabbed the glass chip to his neck, but he managed to stop you. Richard slashed a deep cut to your waist. You accidentally dropped the glass chip because of pain. "Brooke! Run!" you yelled. Brooke hesitate only a two second, until she started to run. "You're foolish! How you could stop me?" Richard asked almost yelling. You could hear the anger in his voice. You couldn't answer anything. You pushed him on the ground with all your strength, and then you ran as quick as possible. You didn't see Brooke on anywhere. You were scared to be alone. Especially when the serial killer was after you. You didn't see that well, where you were running. You ran, until you fell. You had ran into Jonas. "You're not supposed to be here." he said to you. "Yeah! The serial killer is after me, and you ran into me!" you were clearly pissed off, but you managed to calm very quickly. "I'm sorry, Jonas." you said. You wanted to stay with him. So many questions popped up into your head, but you had to stood up. You were leaving, when you felt that Richard grabbed your wrist. He squeezed your wrist very violently, which hurt. "Let me go!" you yelled, but he just laughed. "You could be still alive, if you wouldn't came between me and Brooke." Richard said. You felt how tears flowed from your eyes. You started to think about Brooke, as it would be the last thing you wanted to remember before the death. Suddenly, Jonas helped you. He pushed Richard on the ground. It was your chance. "Thank you, Jonas!" you said crying, followed by you left. You really wanted to stay and help Jonas, but you couldn't. You felt so much pain on your waist. It felt like the wound was burning, but it only felt like that. You had to just run, no matter what.

You were so tired, until you heard someone calling you by your name. You ran towards the voice. You managed to find others. "What happened to you?" Xavier asked, sounding worried. He saw your yellow T-shirt, which was bloody. "I was attacked! Where's Brooke?" you asked. No one didn't get to answer anything, when Montana and Brooke ran towards you. "(Y/N)! I'm so sorry that I left you again!" Brooke said crying, when she hugged you. "I get it. I'm glad you didn't stay. At least you ain't hurt." you answered, smiling a bit. "We've to get the hell out of here!" Ray said. You all agreed with that. You ran quickly to the parking lot. You all went to the Xavier's van. Everyone was on the van, expect Rita, Margaret and Bertie. Xavier started the car. He started to drive, until Rita ran into your way. Xavier managed to dodge, but the van hit to the Margaret's car. The van was broken.
You went quickly to check up, if Rita was okay. Thankfully she was. "Rita, can you stand up?" Trevor asked, when she nodded as a response. "Mr. Jingles is here! We've to leave now!" Rita said. "But how? The van is dead!" Chet asked. "I've a car, but my keyes are in the cabin." Rita answered. "And I've a car, too. But my keyes are in the other cabin." Trevor said. "Half with me and half with Trevor, okay?" Rita asked, which was a bad idea. "Can't we just stick together? It's bad idea to separate." you asked, but Rita shook his head as a response. "It would take much longer, if we would stick together." Chet said. "Fine." you said, sounding frustrated. You were annoyed, because no one didn't listen to you. You knew that you would have been much stronger together. You went with Rita, Brooke, Chet and Ray. You walked on the forest path, towards to Rita's cabin. On this day, you don't know how, but you just got lost. You heard the sticks scratching. You thought that it was one of the murderers, so you quickly ran to the forest. You thought that you would be safe in there. You ran, until you ran into someone - once again. "Damn it, Jonas!" you yelled. You thought it was Jonas, but oh how wrong you were. Your heart almost jumped to your throat, when you heard that familiar laugh. You looked up and saw Richard. You quickly stood up and started to run. Well, you stumbled upon a stone. Richard squatted down next to you. He looked into your eyes for a while, smirking. "I won't never regret for helping Brooke. She doesn't deserve to die. I rather die for her." you said. "I don't think she was worth it." Richard said laughing, when he took a knife from his pocket. He pressed the cold, sharp blade against your neck. You didn't get to react anyhow, when he slashed your neck. Richard stabbed you multiple times in your chest. It hurt so much. At that moment, you wanted to die as quick as possible. You felt the warm blood flowing along your neck. "Good night, princess." Richard said smiling. You looked at him one last time, until you closed your eyes.

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