A new start

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Ame pov

Finally we moved. I never liked my old place. And I can start new. Other than... never mind... I glared out the window. Of course nobody talked. Finally Aussie said "isn't lovely outside?"
"Yes it is Aussie" da- I mean UK answered. He doesn't want me to call him dad. Just because I WAS gay. Or well i'm pans now... He will never forgive me. France doesn't like me that much too but she doesn't hate me like UK. It stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. It was 2 hours of silence.
  When we got there I i got out of the car as soon as possible. My legs felt sore when I got out. Canada and Aussie were already talking to the neighbors. One had the same flag as me but he didn't have any stars in the blue square. It was a yellow things. Then there was a shorter kid with a white triangle on the side and blue on the top. Red on the bottom. I didn't want to go over there but UK made me. Apparently they're called are Malaysia and Philippians. But they go by Malay and Phillip. A kid with red on the top and white on the bottom came out. His name is Indonesia but he goes by indo. Huh. First day and already I want to move again. Wow. UK and France was talking to their parents. I noticed a girl with cat ears. Not like Japan but she kinda looked like Japan. She walked away. Tomorrow is Monday so I need to go to school...yay...
   Aussie and Canada gets to choose their room because they would freak out if I choose my room. Canada and Aussie got the same room because they "can't live without each other". Those two fucking brats can't be separated for 1 fucking second.
   It was the morning. Of course I woke up before the two brats. They'll get mad at me anyways. I got dressed into something more pleasing than my normal dark gray sweater. I wore a blue sweater instead. I grabbed a piece of toast and I left. Before I left I saw Canada and Aussie  rushing to the kitchen. I noticed some kids standing at a stop sign. Then I realized that Philip, Malay, and indo was there. So I went where they were. "Oh hey ame! How are you?" Phillip asked
"I'm good what about you?" I answered
"I'm fine just a little tired"
"Didn't get good sleep?"
"No my brother Thai was bothering me."
I then I noticed Canada and Aussie was running over. New Zealand was sick. Lucky.
"I have annoying brothers too." I told Phillip.
"Hey Phillip" Aussie and Canada said at the same time. They're here great...
"Oh hey Canada and Aussie!"
The bus drove by and we all got on. Canada and Aussie sat next to each other. I saw the back seats were empty so I went there. Some people Stared at me with a worried look but I don't know why. I noticed the same girl who looked like Japan was sitting back here. I didn't sit next to her though. I noticed sometimes she would glance at me a couple of times but she would look away instantly when I looked at her. She seems odd...
We got to school Aussie and Canada pushed through kids to get through the crowd of kids. I could barely tell where I was going. I soon found my home room. Good thing I did. Everyone was sitting by the front nobody in the last 2 rows. I decided to sit in the very back row. People whispered and stared at me with the look I'm so sorry for you or your dead and I mean your going to get killed. The tardy bell rang and everyone was in. Soon I saw the door crack open. "Ah! United Ashwaganda your late again."
cliff hanger ik

Sub to : briana bieniek. (duh)

Words: 666 (short and spooky uwu)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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