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"I only allowed this to happen so Kenny would break your heart or something. But you guys actually like each other..."

"Damien... Just, just fuck off man" I sighed.

"We explained everything to Kenny, you can leave now" (Y/n) said grabbing on to me, still wanting that kiss. And I couldn't agree more, after all the stuff that happened we both deserved some smooches.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving. See ya in school (Y/n)." He said opening the door. Before he left completely, he snapped his fingers and grinned.

(Y/n) closed his eyes and rubbed them as if he was hit with a very bright light. Once he opened his eyes, Damien was already going down the stairs.

"No... No!!" He looked around searching for something. "DAMIEN!" He stormed out of his room and opened his front door to see Damien walking calmingly away. He looked back and (Y/n) just screamed to him.


"Nope, the agreement was about the board, nothing else. If you saw him and heard him everyday it would be too good for both of you"

He slammed the door behind him and walked closer to Damien. I just stood silently watching.

"This is NOT fair! You get to literally kill me over and over, and I don't even get to see or hear Kenny?" He asked pissed off. I nooded in agreement, it wasn't fair. I wanted him to hear and see me as well.

"Look, bare with me okay? What's the fun in killing you when you can just go back to your house after it and fuck Kenny?"

"Oh yeah? Then I'll just hide from you everyday! You won't get to kill me as often!" (Y/n) replied.

"Kenny, what do you think of all this?" Damien looked up to me.

I thought for a second...

"Well, I keep seeing, hearing and feeling him so it isn't fair he doesn't get to see me too. So, fuck off with your stupid suffering kinks and make him see me again"

He shook his head. "Both of you are so annoying..."

"Then! How about you make me see him everytime I'm around you? That means I would be by your side more often, therefore you kill me more often and I would get to see Kenny!" (Y/n) said. I heard his idea and looked up at Damien with excitement, like a kid waiting for his mom to buy him a toy.

"Guys, get this in your head. I don't want you to get all lovey dovey, I want you to suffer!" Damien said crushing all of our dreams. "You're already lucky you're getting the board. And also, if you could make the board work and even feel Kenny with it, who know what else you can do. Just don't bother me with it"

He walked away leaving me and the sad boy behind. I looked at him and he sighed, turning around and heading home. He entered the house and went upstairs to his room where the board was.

He prepared the board, picked up the piece and concentrated.

"Kenny, are you here? Can you touch me?"

"God, that's always such a creepy question." I poked his cheek, which made him chuckle.

"So... It was super nice to see you and hear you... I wish it lasted longer"

"M-e-e-t-o-o" I replied to him. It was kinda of weird now that he couldn't see me. We were back to the beginning.

"And well... We were almost, huh, ya know..." His cheeks grew pinker with each word.

"K-i-s-s-i-n-g" I moved the piece slowly. Now that he couldn't see me I felt more confident to just be straightforward with things. He smiled and looked down.

Saw a ghost? | Kenny x Male reader fanfiction | South parkWhere stories live. Discover now