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"Do you, Raina Felicia Lumbar, take Jace as your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?"


Right, I was supposed to say 'I Do' and marry this prick, but how can I say that when his puppy brown eyes are directed at the ceiling, no doubt asking God to strike him down now. Maybe he's apologizing for womanizing those girls at the club last weekend. Maybe he's sorry for jacking off instead of attending church on Sunday. Maybe he's sorry for a lot of things, but never is he sorry for anything to me.

Right back at ya, honey.

"I do." I strain sweetly out of my mouth, my lips pulling at the corners into a fake, delighted smile, and my teeth gritted tightly, I think the last row could hear the slight squeak of my teeth grinding together. I pretended to inch closer as if I was in a trance, but the hem of my dress covered my foot, giving me the opportunity to secretly crush his toes. He let out a small squeak and pulled his lips into a tight smile, but fire burned brightly behind those eyes. He looked at the preacher as he was about to be addressed.

"Do you, Jace Parker Martin, take Raina as your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?" Father Harrison asked, and I could tell even he knew this marriage was just for show. Even he knew it would crumble before we make it to the honeymoon.

Jace quickly snapped his eyes back to mine, and looked at the preacher. His taught features seemed to have melted away, and on came on the fake puppy dog love face he managed to pull for all media and public purposes. But I knew better. I know that the left hand hidden away from everyone is clenched into a fist. His knuckles were white with strain, even more so when he softly said "I do."

"Then I pronounce you both man and wife. Jace, you may kiss the bride." he said, poor man. I'll have to remember to donate to the church, since we tainted God's house with fake love and greed for power and money with this marriage.

Jace and I each gave each other a look that only our eyes revealed - repulsion. The crowd didn't know that. They saw puppy love and smiles as Jace leaned into me and kissed me ever so slightly. As soon as we heard the eruption of applause, we quickly pulled away and was smiles all around as we were showered with white rice and white roses. Perfect wedding, wrong man. This was supposed to be someone I'm madly in love with, someone like Ed Sheeran or James Morrison. Both charmed the pants off of me. I'd rather be taking them to my wedding bed than this asshole.

At least he held my hand as we ran down the walk way of the church, and just before I entered the carriage, I threw back the flowers. I listened to the squeals of at least a dozen girls as they scratched, clawed, and kicked their way to the flowers' random destination. I plopped on the right side as my husband plopped onto the left. We both exchanged a glance and huffed.

"So, your castle, or mine...?" Jace asked, sarcasm lacing his deep, velvety voice.

Oh, how I seriously wish now that this was Ed Sheeran. At least he would've sung to me.


Hey guys, new story, so, tell me what you think! TELL ME AND LOVE ME, BC LONELY AS HELL AND I LOVE YOUR FACES BC DEEP IN MY BOOK, AYE-
And mint need someone to make a cover bc lazy and iPad is being stuPID-
So, yeah. Bye.
Jussy xx

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