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The Stark family lived a very happy and privileged life. So many people around the world look up at them, even if they were no longer the same heroes they were many years ago. They were, however, still the owners of the multi-billion company... well Pepper Potts was the owner.

Their children were the most known people in the world, the amount of publicity those two kids got was insane. As it seems, Morgan Stark hated the publicity growing up while her brother, Elliot Stark seems to love every ounce of money and fame. The complete copy of their father, while Morgan is more her mother.

Elliot Howard Stark had certainly taken after his father and his grandpa in the sense of how he entertains himself, and just like how his father fell in love with his mother, Pepper, Elliot was positive he too has fallen head of heels in love.

In love with future Sarah Maggie Stark .

"Please do explain to me again why we are buying a house for a 10-year-old?" As they set up for dinner after many disagreements among the group they decided they would go to Stark's house last minute.

"She's not just a ten-year-old father, she is beautiful, the lovely Sarah Rogers." He exclaimed. "Do you think I should wear my fancy suit?"

"You do realize that she will never go for you," Morgan said as she watched from the couch.

"Just because James doesn't return your affections does not mean you have to go and push me down, my love life isn't dead," Elliot muttered.

"I am not in love with James," She rolled her eyes. "At least I am not a mini playboy. You are literally in love with different girls every week."

"The girls need my attention Morgan, how rude is it of me to decline them of that?" He asked. "but it seems as I must be rude because young Sarah has all my attention right now."

"I personally don't understand what you two see in the Roger kids," Tony said.

"What do you mean?" Morgan asked.

"James is much like his father, very vocal about his beliefs and righteousness, and well personally I think that Sarah is scaring. Carbon copy of her mother." He answered.

"You know dad, some would say Elliot is too much like you and that's a problem of its own," Morgan smirked.

"How could being like me be a problem? Have you met me?" He asked.

"Honey stop fighting with the kids and come over here would ya? I need all of the drinks to be opened and ready to serve." Pepper called out.

"Pep it's practically family dinner, no need to stress. Besides I feel like no one would even really notice, we can all agree they just come to see me."

"As much I am sure they love seeing you," She rolled her eyes. "It never hurts to be prepared, shows you have your life together."

"Since we do we have our lives together?" Morgan asked. "Mom you're the only one who remotely has their life together."

"Morgan go change." Pepper sighed,

"Why? I like what I am wearing."

"You aren't wearing jeans and a t-shirt."

"Why not? It's comfortable and I doubt anyone will care."

"I care." Her mother said sternly.

"See but I don't." She answered.

"Morgan now." She said.

"Why? Elliot is dressed enough for both of us!" She pointed over to her younger brother who was in a suit, he was always in a suit. She almost wanted to roll her eyes.

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