1 Contest

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My name's Debbie MacDonald. I'm 18 years old and I live in Lincolnshire, England. I have dark purple hair and my eyebrow is pierced. I wear ripped skinny jeans, band shirts, black vans or converse and a blue, green or read flannel over the top. I love pizza and Spider-Man but mostly I love Michael Clifford. All my mates say I'm the girl version of him because I have an eyebrow piercing, I love pizza and Spider-Man and I'm always dying my hair different colours. So that all you need to know about me and yeah.......

So I was super depressed, I had rubbish grades, I drank, I smoked, I used drugs and I lost my virginity when I was 14. My parents kicked me out to live with my grandparents and they didn't tell them about my drinking and drugs and virginity-losing. Grandma and grandad were super nice and bought me loads of stuff like iPads and laptops and they let me go out for how long I wanted whenever I wanted so life was good.
But then I started cutting. I was so sad about how shit I was at life so I started cutting. As soon as I started I couldn't stop but then one day I was cruising the Internet and I spotted a sign that said "do you want to meet the 5sos boys? Do you want to see them live? Do you want to fight the Internet haters in your superhero costumes? The click right here for your chances of hanging with 5sos and seeing them live in LA at derpcon!"
I didn't waste another second. I clicked on the website and entered the competition.

I thought to myself "you can't meet 5sos if you're round the bend on drugs, leathered from drinking, stinking of smoke, covered in scars or pregnant!" So I stopped, I stopped cutting, I didn't sleep with as many boys, I cut down to 1 fag a day, and I stopped the drugs all together. There wasn't anything I could do about the grades as I'd dropped outta school.

It was the evening of the 7th October 2014 that I received an email on my laptop. This was strange because I never ever received emails at all. I clicked on the email to open it, it read "Hey Debbie we glad to tell you that you've won 2 tickets to our derpcon and you can meet us in LA on the 15th-16th november! We hope you can come! Lots of love Ash, Cal, Luke and Mikey xxxxxx"
"Zuhxbshusxbugsdcbouehdxbsxbushwnxsjinihdbxihwdbcuhdebdevcygedvdebcugedvcugedbc" I yelled at my nan. "IVE WON 2. FUCKING TICKETS TO DERPCON AJHABSHJSBJHEDBHJFBEHFUBERHUFBUHERBUFHEBUH" OMG NAN IM GOING LET ME GO PLEASE!!!"
"Debbie calm down of course you can go, now who are you taking with you?" She replied.
" now who the hell is Maz?" She quizzed me.
"Maz? Only my best mate ever since I was 0 years old!! Maz? Marina?"
"Oh Marina? Oh that lovely girl of course you can take her!" Nan practically exploded. "Now you better go get ready, what times the flight?" She asked
"Erm 3 hours? That's enough time to go shopping right?" I asked my nan
"Of course it is silly girl off you pop" she shooed me out of the front door chucking my bag at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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