An exhausting day... (2) 

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I woke up, hoping what had happened yesterday was a nightmare. I sat up quickly, and disappointment rushed over me. My head began to spin, and I fall back to stare at the ceiling.

"So it wasnt a nightmare..." I sighed. No point in moping around right? So I sat up and got dressed. This is when I heard those dreadful monokubs. "Rise and shine ursine!!" was all I payed attention to. I slipped on my shoes and walked out my dorm.

  I walked out the dorm rooms, headed to the dinning room. After what happened last night, Im surprised I woke up early. What time is it anyway? I can only assume its early due to the sun... but is that even real? I was to busy thinking to notice a certain someone following me

  "Nee-hee-hee!! God (Y/n), how come you havent noticed me yet?" I jumped at the unexpected voice and turned around to see Kokichi

  "H-hello... were you following me?" I questioned him, with a tiny freaked out tone. Normally I would glare at him, but this is a new place ya know? Besides, I dont know what this psycho can do!

  "No silly!! You arn't worth it!! Were just heading to the same place dummy." He laughed. I just sighed

  "Ah Im sorry for assuming. I didn't realize you'd be joining us after last night..." I rubbed my arm

"Why wouldnt I join?" He tilted his head, with a finger on his cheek like an anime girl

"Ah uhh... last night? Ya know.. what you did?"

  "I didnt do anything!! You must be mistaking me for someone else, you idiot!" He huffed. I sighed and just nodded my head. I turned around and continued to the dinning room

  I walked in and smiled when I saw everyone. Well.. not everyone. I looked around for Kaede. I made eye contact with Shuichi, and he quickly looked down and tilted his hat. I frowned slightly and just sat down at a table. Im sure shes fine.. no one here can do that right? Well... not everyone

  "Oh, everyones here already." A female voice stated. I turned around and saw the unmistakable Kaede. I sighed in relief and looked around at everyone, who was doing the same thing

  "Now.. all of us have arrived. Kehehe, Im glad. It looks as if there was no victim." Korekiyo folded his arms. It seemed like he was smiling under that mask, so Im not sure

"But of course!" Kiibo said obviously, like no one could do such a thing

(Time skip cause author doesnt have time to write it all out 😔🥺)

  So... the first blood perk. A motive to get us to kill, and this motive gets no trial. Doesnt that ruin the point of the game? To have the despair inducing trial, and to see if the killer can get away with it? With this motive.... does this mean everyone but the killer would die already?!

  "Helloooooo, Earth to (Y/n)!!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a childish voice. I looked around and noticed everyone was gone

  "Where is everyone..?" I looked at Kokichi, and he shook his head

  "They already left. Monokuma finally finished his dumb monologue about the motive, so theres no reason to be here. If you have paid attention, you wouldnt be sitting here like a sad emo person... such as Shuichi." Kokichi smirked

  Oh I want to slap that smirk off his face so bad, but I control myself. If I just do that small action, I might do something worse. So I just sighed and nodded

  "I do look stupid huh?" I smiled sadly

    "Very stupid."

  'You were supposed to deny that-!!' I thought to myself. A small tik mark appeared on my head "Well, thank you. Ill try to make myself appear less stupid."

The truth behind the lie  *Kokichi x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now