4. Mike's idea

262 17 69

Kellin's pov

It's Thursday and everything has been off with my lately. Even more than normal. The hot boy hasn't showed up since he waited for me and I feel like it's my fault he's not here.

Our teacher has been looking at me weirdly and its creeping me out so bad. I'm also scared for tomorrow because theres supposed to be a heavy thunderstorm.. I'm scared of thunder and the dark and the power goes out at my house when it rains hard.

"Hey,  you said you saw Oli Friday right? Did he seem okay?" Mike asks me bringing me back to reality. We are in third block about to go to lunch. I really need an excuse to get out of lunch and maybe last block because I haven't done some work that's due today.

"Um.. well I mean. He doesn't really even seem okay.." I mumble and Mike gives me a look. He knows I hate it when people are sad. I'm just to shy and honestly dont trust myself with cheering people up. I don't know how to.

"Listen, I know you don't know him but maybe you can go check on him? I was his friend a few years ago but.. something happened.. so he wouldn't want to see me but you could. Your excuse can be to invite him to my party Saturday and maybe he can help you with your school work. Then he wont be suspicious you walked to his house just to invite him," he explains and I pout.

"I'll be a weirdo Mikeyy, and I'm awkward and don't know how to talk to someone who doesn't talk," I whine feeling anxious.

This would be a really good excuse to get out of lunch and 4th block.. I only have to be there for a second.

"I'm texting you his address, please check on him.." he says sounding desperate.

"O-okay.. I guess.. I'll go when the bell rings because I dont want to go to 4th," I tell him and he smiles.

Ten minutes later I'm walking out of the school going in the direction of Oliver's house. I'm shaking with anxiety but Mike is right. Oli hasn't showed up to school all week and something could have happened. Probably not but that's why I'm going to check.

Plus I really do need help on my school, I dont know if he will help but maybe I can ask..

The sky is dark and stormy making the usual hot temperatures drop to chilly. I have a jacket on but I always do so it feels like I need another one. I check my phone again at Google maps and keep walking.

He lives about 20 minutes from my house so it's not that big of a deal but from the school it's only 5 minutes so I'm really anxious. I want it to be a longer walk so I can collect myself and know what I'm going to say.

Just knock on strangers house and ask them if they want to go to a party? Then ask about school work? Fuck this is going to be a disaster. My stomach grumbles but I don't care. I don't eat lunch and that's that.

When I'm at the nice two story home I stop and clutch my notebooks to my chest. Please let Oli answer and not his parents. Wow I'm really doing all this scary stuff just to check on a stranger.. Mike's right, I must be nice.

When I get on the porch it starts raining making me tremble. I feel like a scared dog at some doorstep wanting in. Please dont thunder, I need to get home.

I swallow hard and knock on the door. After waiting a minute I'm scared and I desperately want him to open the door so I can save myself. I knock again loudly and look into the window. Empty.

The parking lot is empty to. Tears start to form in my eyes and thunder makes me jump and whimper. I need to get shelter.

I get off his porch and I'm about to run home but I see a shed. Its trespassing.. don't do it... Thunder and lightning goes off at the same time and I bolt to the shed and go inside...

Cliffhanger  hehhehehehhehe

I gotta go eat and clean :c

What do you think kellin just walked in on?

How do you think Oli will react to Kellin bursting in crying and scared?

How will kellin react?

W i l l   O l i    T a l k?

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