7. quite

254 16 111

Kellin's pov

As our bodies are pressed against each other I rest my face on his shoulder. I wish he would talk because I'm not sure I've I'm annoying him or what. He's rubbing my back so I think he wants me to calm down but I'm not sure if he is just doing this because he feels pressured.

After a long time- so long my legs feel asleep, I'm calm and the thunder has stop. I pull away and look at him. He smiles very faintly and I can tell it's fake but it's still a gesture that makes me believe that I didn't cross a little.

When his arms wrap from me his hands rest on my hips and my face goes red as I see how I'm positioned on top of him.

"O-oh i-i um. This, I'm not gay!" I say scrambling off of his lap and then end up next to him blushing like a idiot with messy black curls in my face.

He does something that makes me blush harder and my heart flutter. It makes me smile too. Oliver starts laughing. I know it's at my embarrassed state but seeing and hearing him laugh makes me feel so special. I made the seemingly always gloomy guy laugh.

He blushes and rubs the back of his neck. His eyes scan my now happy yet embarrassed face and smiles but it fades to fast. It almost seems like a goal to get more moments like this.

It's my goal to get him to smile again or laugh. Just to cheer him up. "You have an amazing laugh," I mumble and play with my hair nervously. He shakes his head no.

"Yeah you do, I don't lie," I say and he shakes his head biting his cheeks likes he wants to smile. "Yes you do," I cover my eye. "I can't see you disagree so that means you agree," I state with a smile.

He scoffs and I look at him to see hes smirking shaking his head. My heart feels weird and I feel shy around him. Hes so.. eye pleasing. I'm not gay but I dont see why girls aren't throwing themselves to him.

If I was a girl I'd already be on my knees.. "can I see your phone?" I almost whisper. He gives it to me and I put my number in his contacts and try not to feel weird that I'm the only person in his contacts except for one that says Emergency.

I type in my first name and then in the note part I type a message.

Text or call me whenever you want, I'm always up so dont care about time. I'm declaring you as my friend so dont hesitate to ask for help.

I bite my lip and look at him. He's watching me with not expression. I hope I'm not rude for just declaring him as my friend.. He's nice and cool, I want that in my life.

I give it to him and he looks at it confused but he doesn't say anything.. He puts away his phone and I look out the window. "I hate weather," I pout and he smiles.

"Yeah I know weather includeds all of weather but I'm a inside person. Outside it's too hot or too cold. Or maybe to dry or wet. Inside is safe," I say and he listens to me.

My phone starts ringing and my eyes widen. I look at the caller ID and the time. I should have been home by now and my dad is calling. I answer it and put it to my ear.

"Sir?" I say and hear random noise in the background.

"What the fuck are you? Your mom is driving around looking for you," he says with venom.

"O-oh, I'm being tutored. I'm sorry, I thought I texted her?" I lie as I get off Oli's bed and going to my shoes. I pick them up and look at Oli. He gets up and opens his door and walks me to the front door.

"You better apologize to her and get here now," he yells and hangs up. Good thing I have my phones volume turned down. I put my phone up and put on my shoes as he does too.

Its drizzling but not stormy anymore. "Thank you, I'll see you at school Monday," I tell him and he shakes his head and walks out with me. He's going to walk me home?

"Its like twenty minutes away that's like 40 for you, I'm fine but thank you," I say and wave bye and start walking but he walks with me. I sigh and smile in thanks.

As we walk I can't help but feel grateful. He's so nice and.. I hate how our school is. I get picked on and bullied too but I don't have as many people against me as he does.

Rain wets our clothes and I feel bad I'm getting him wet- not like that! The sky. I'm upset that because of me he's outside and the sky is getting his clothes wet. I huff at my own thoughts and mess with my jacket sleeves.

"Thank you.. you're a really cool dude. If you change you mine on the party I'll be over in some corner being awkward in the Fuentes' home on Saturday night," I say and he nods a little. He's probably not going to show up but I hope he does.

After five minutes of silence I feel like I have to talk. "I don't usually break down like that.. I'm just- I know it's stupid but thunder really scares me and yeah.. but I'm okay," I tell him and he looks at me casually. I wish I could read minds.

"I appreciate you helping me, with- oh.. I let my notebook and binder on your bed.. do you think I could stop by your house monday morning?" I ask and he looks to freeze but he doesn't stop walking.

He nods slowly and I smile. "I'll be there around fifteen minutes before school starts," I tell him.

After a little while of walking and both getting soaked to the bone we are close to my house. I stop and turn to him, I want a hug..?

"I uh, my house is right there so um.. bye," I say and he looks at it and then me. He smiles a little and waves and turns around and starts to walk away. Fuck..

"Oli?" I ask and he turns around.

I quickly catch up and hug him. How is his body so warm while we are so wet?he hugs back and I blush and pulls away.

"Thanks bye," I say quickly and rushed and rush home scared hell say I'm weird.

When I get inside my mom and dad are on the couch- oh god. I look away and rush to my room and cringe. Cant they do that shit in their room. Not on the couch. I lock my door and strip out of my soaking clothes. I put underwear on and a oversized hoodie and get in my bed.

I put my headphones on and close my eyes trying to figure out what my mind is telling me.. Why do I want Oli to text me right now?

See I hardly put references if I'm not listening to music as I write and it makes me write so much slower

I did my makeup and I really like how it looks..


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