After a mouth in the hospital, Kevin was awaken on his hospital bed and he was watching the tv news about the events in Wakanda. The news then reveals Lisa.
Lisa: "In other news, the facility that is in Wakanda has been destroyed since the White Fang have been taking refuge there. Many supplies was recovered while the rest was in the facility. Further more, Adam Taurus, the leader of the White Fang, and Klaw was found dead in the cave. It appears a Huntsman and a Huntress was in the facility and they ended the tyranny of Adam Taurus and Klaw."
Kevin: "So they all gone? Now we won't have to worry about the White Fang for a while."
The doctor then comes in to check on Kevin's caution and it shows that he is now better. The doctor the removes the bandage from his right eye and it shows his eye has healed completely. After that, Kevin is now discharged from the hospital and he exits the place, revealing his normal clothes on. Kevin see's his motorcycle at the parking lot, goes to it before getting on and drives back to Beacon.
Blake is seen under the tree reading a book that she got from Kevin's dorm and she continues reading. That's when a monkey Faunus named Sun Wukong walks up to her and rest his arm on the tree.
Sun: "Hey Blake."
Blake: "Hey Sun."
Sun: "Hey listen. I was wondering if you want to hang out today. Just the two of us together."
Blake: "Sorry. I got other plans."
Sun: "Oh, come on Blake."
Blake: *grabs her book and gets up* "I said, no."
Blake tries to walk off but Sun grabs her arm and stops her. Blake's book fell out her hands and she looks at Sun angry.
Blake: "Let me go, Sun."
Sun: "Just one day, Blake. Come on."
She tries to struggle but he doesn't let go until another hand came outta nowhere and let's her go. Blake then looks to see who it was and it surprised her. It was Kevin and Blake was happy to see him again.
Blake: "Kevin. You're okay."
Kevin: "Back off."
Sun: "Who the hell... *looks at Kevin and eye's widen* Wait, you're the one who fought Adam sand survived didn't you?"
Kevin: "That's right. Get out of here now before you get hurt by me."
Sun: "Okay. Okay, I'm backing off now."
Sun walks off and Kevin looks at Blake as she hugs him in happiness to see him out of the hospital.
Blake: "I'm glad that you're okay."
Kevin: "Me too."
He then helps Blake pick up her books and he hands them to her and they hung out for the rest of that day. They went to Beacon Gardens and walk in to see a fountain that is always there and sat on a bench to watch the sunset.
Blake: "It's beautiful, isn't it Kevin."
Kevin: "It sure is. Such a beautiful sight to see."
There was a complete silence when Blake looked down and breathe in and out before starting to confess her feelings.
Blake: "Hey Kevin. *he looks at her* There's something I wanna tell you about."
Kevin: "Okay. What is it?"
Blake: "Well, I'm having some feelings that I thought it was a coincidence and then i realized it was not. When we were back younger, you protected me from those bullies at school and you defended me a lot."
Kevin: "Well, of course. I was always there for you."
Blake: "But now, *gets up and walks a little to the fountain* when I look at you now. My heart goes crazy and I wished that I would tell you this sooner."
Kevin: *gets up and walks to her* "Blake. Are you..."
Blake: "And that's when I realized, *turns around and hugs Kevin* that I love you Kevin. You was always my best friend that I can trusted. When we were kids, you protected me even though you're a Faunus too. After long years of not seeing each other, I love you so much and I didn't want to leave you."
Kevin was shocked at what he heard Blake's confession. Then unexpectedly, Kevin hugs her back and Blake's eyes widen as she looks at him.
Kevin: "I love you too, Blake. I also realized it. Ever since those years that we haven't seen each other, I never forgotten about you. I love you for who and what you are Blake. Remember that."
Blake cries with tears of joy that Kevin returns his feelings to her. Then they look at each other, eye to eye and they lean forward before their lip collided going into a make out session. Blake wraps her arms around his neck and Kevin wraps his arm around her waist while continue kissing. Then they stop and look at each other's heartily eyes.
Kevin: "I love you Blake Belladonna."
Blake: "I love you too Kevin."
Then after that, they told everyone that their dating and they're extremely happy to see them as couples. When they are Faunus, Kevin and Blake will always love until the end.
To be continued...

Two Faunus In Love: OC Black Panther x Blake Belladonna
Любовные романы(A/N: Another love story of OC Spider-Man x Ruby Rose + OC Iron Man x Weiss Schnee. This time, It's about my OC Black Panther and Blake Belladonna love story. So, let's have a look shall we.)