Chapter 7: Rescuing Blake! Taking Down The White Fang

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Kevin was sneaking his way through the facility and he see's a lot of White Fang Soldiers going through the hallway and guarding everywhere. Kevin starts his search to look for Blake and he uses silent takedowns to knocked out the soldiers when they walked close to him or hiding. As Kevin makes his way through the facility, he passes through a window and he takes a look to see he's in a cave filled with explosives.

Kevin: *in mind* (Damn. That's a lot of explosives. Gotta find Blake fast before we all died.)

He continues his way through the facility and when he does, he overhears a conversation between two White Fang Guards.

White Fang Guard: "Hey."

White Fang Guard #2: "What?"

White Fang Guard: "Taurus is trying to get that Faunus to join back. And you know Taurus doesn't give up."

White Fang Guard #2: "Ha. Yeah, he's going to force her to..."

He was interrupted by being knocked out and the other soldier turns around, only to be grabbed by the collar and taken into the closet.

White Fang Guard: "What the hell...!?"

He was then punched in the face and Kevin picks back him up.

Kevin: "The girl Taurus is talking to, where is she?"

White Fang Guard: "Go to hell..."

The guard pull out a pocket knife from his pocket and tries to stab Kevin but he counters by grabbing his arm and hits the guard at the floor before taking the knife and thrown it away.

Kevin: *impatient* "Where is she?!"

White Fang Guard: "I don't know man. I don't where she is."

Kevin: *grabs his finger* "Talk. Or I break every bone in your body."

White Fang Guard: "Okay, okay. She's in the office, Adam Taurus is there. He's trying to convince her to join back with us. And if she doesn't he'll torture the ones that mean important to her."

Kevin: *still holding his finger* "Where's the office?"

White Fang Guard: "It's that the center of the third floor. That's all I know please don't kill me."

Kevin: "If you're lying, I'll break the other one."

White Fang Guard: "The other wha..."

Kevin breaks his fingers as the guard screams in pain and Kevin punches him, knocking him out. Then he makes his way to the room, see's it, looks around and got an idea to help Blake escaped.

In the office, Blake was tied in a chair and tries to break out of it as Adam arrives, smirking at her.

Adam: "Blake, it's not too late to join back. Just come back to the White Fang."

Blake: "I'm not joining back to this hellhole. I made a huge mistake to join and I'm never coming back."

Adam: "It's because of that Kevin boy, isn't it?"

Blake: *eye's widen* "How do you..."

Adam: "Klaw told me everything and I heard saying that you and him are getting alone well. At first, I didn't believe but when he showed me the video, I was interested and send him to kill him and get you back."

Blake: "But your plan failed, because the Black Panther appeared and chased after him while I helped Kevin get back to shape. So don't you go on ahead and hurt him."

There was a knock on the door and Adam goes to the door to show a White Fang Soldier with a troubled face.

Adam: "What?"

Two Faunus In Love: OC Black Panther x Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now