toni is being wierd

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cheryls pov- every sence toni met my mom she is not talking to me and calling me a nerd again and having sex with every girl in are school and letting the cherleaters call me a nerd and a whore and letting them talk about my dad and brother and laughing about it and she even let them slap me she joined a gang the only time she talks to me is  in gym bc we are partners but she just leves me behind to run the mile  and one time i tried to keep up with her and a girl that toni was having sex triped me and i fell on my face and every body lauged at me and so did toni and she just walked away and did not even help me up i get up and its time to go home gym was are last period and i see toni getting ready to leave and i ran over to her to talk to her and i taped her shoulder and she turend around and said what do you want cheryl to talk to u toni fine what ever cheryl i will walk you home and we can talk on the way ok i said toni said so what do you wanna talk about us cheryl said what do you mean toni said why you wont talk  to me anymore cheryl said bc i dont like you no more you did not let me have sex with you i was going to leave you as soon and you let me hit that but you wanted to wait so i duped you bc u wanted me to meet your mom and i did not want to meet her so i felt you were getting to attacged to me .

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