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  • Dedicated to everybeautifuldamnpersonreading

"So what happened yesterday?" Atifa asked, it was only a whisper as I'm assuming she didn't want anybody else to overhear even though there was only around three other people around the private pool area.

"Nothing really." I replied shrugging. I'd invited myself along to the hotel this morning since I had nothing to do, swimming things and sun cream in toe only to find that the boys had went to play golf until the mid afternoon. So instead of doing something with Justin Atifa and I were basking in the sun beside the blue pool in our bikinis and sunglasses.

"Well that's a lie. Justin came back from being with you all day and he was all smiley. It was cute... so tell me what happened because that boy wasn't telling me shit." She explained laughing towards the end my cheeks heating up as she told me. I'm not usually someone to keep things to myself but things with Justin aren't 'usual'.

"Well, we just went swimming in the pool and then took Jamie to Soccer and I dropped Justin back here after." I mumbled flicking through instagram on my phone liking various pictures as I scrolled down.

"That's a lie." Atifa stated leaning over and grabbing the phone from my hands as I was mid scroll making me huff. "Tell me everything that happened." I whined a little before propping myself up by my elbows on the white sun lounger

"We kissed a couple times and he was really flirty the whole time. I just wanted to squish his face he's so cute but at the same time I just want to like.... kiss him all over because he's so gorgeous." I ranted not coming up for air once. "I mean, that back... I think it killed me." Groaning I fell back onto chair my eyes closed as I imagined his toned back in front of me. I had completely zoned out before I heard Atifa's slight giggle. "What?"

"You're cute. I mean, I think he should just take you on a date already; he obviously likes you too." Her smile dimmed a little as she sighed adjusting her large sunglasses over her eyes. I didn't reply to her but went back to minding my own business.

I felt the spark of excitement run through my body when Atifa mentioned date but it soon disappeared with the thought that Justin will only be here for another two weeks and three days. If we did go on a date what would be the point? It's never going to lead to anything serious, he's not here long enough for it to be anything more than a date or two.

My quiet thoughts were interrupted by the loud shouts of several people- Several people I recognised to be Ryan, Khalil and Za who all came running out and splashed into the water small droplets hitting my legs. Atifa and I simply stared slightly open mouthed at the the group of people before us before bursting into fits of giggles. The lifeguard very quickly to get out with their clothes on shouting at them harshly as we tried to contain our laughter.

"Hello." A voice greeted in my ear making me gasp as I jumped slightly. Justin stood smirking slightly before making himself comfortable half way down the bed.

"Hi." My voice was quiet as I replied a smirk covering my lips as Justin reflected my expression.

"So, I was wondering if you'd like to come to dinner with me tonight?" Justin's voice was quiet and his eyes didn't leave mine for the next minute but I could see him fidgeting nervously.

"Um...yeah, sure." A smile took over my face as I thought of Justin and I at dinner. It's dinner as like a date... right?

Justin's whole face lit up as I said the word he obviously wanted to hear. "Cool, um, so, I'll pick you up at around six, six thirty?" he asked the smile still bright and I found it almost as mesmerizing as his damned toned back. I need a moment. I repeated justins question in my head a few more times before nodding excitedly. "Great, I'm gonna go change now, see you later." He mumbled scooting off the sun lounger but not before sneaking towards me and leaving a soft kiss against my lips.

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