No girls over

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Robert goes To Alec and says to him " ok Alec we are leaving now, not that I have to say this but no girls over while we are out because I know you are seeing someone". Alec replies " ok dad I promise that I will not have any girls over, but may I please have my best friend over to watch Netflix and chill ". Robert leaves while yelling " of course see you later and be safe and no parties!" " yes dad" Alec yells back.
Alec texted his best friend to come over and his friend replied back with " ok see you soon" Alec sent back with emojis 💞💋💖😍 and smiled as he texted it.
While Alec was waiting he lit candles 🕯 and changed into something more comfortable and seductive, he brushed his teeth and than he opened his window to let his friend climb in. Alec than picked him up and brought him to his bed and they started kissing 😽 and taking off their clothes and they were naked and than all of a sudden Alecs father opened his door and saw Alec naked with a guy kissing him on top of him on his bed.

Oh no what's going to happen?
What's Alec going to say?
find out soon
Comment and let me know what you think of whom it may be or what will happen next.

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