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Caine POV (Surprise!)

Caine laughed as he grabbed another human youth, feeling them squirm in his grip, then hearing them scream as he set them on fire. Watching them burn. The screams were like music to his ears. And, at the same time, Caine studied a blueprint for a great castle that would be built right in the center of the ruins of the Red Keep. Winding halls, millions of rooms, kitchens, a huge library (Drake would LOVE that), and in the heart of the giant building, a spire would rise up, the tallest part of the castle. That's were Drake's chambers will be.

Caine smiled, proud of himself. He unrolled another blueprint, this one of Drake's room. A circular diagram was written. It would be a very nice room, with a little personal library in the corner and a magic spell on the tall ceiling to replicate the stars. Caine knew his brother liked to watch them. He would often stargaze on top that temple he lived in.

Caine picked up a pencil and carefully labeled the walls "green." Then he made the bed larger, enough for two people to sleep comfortably on it. Although, maybe he should make the blonde his own room. Knowing Drake, he'd probably give Grayson the bed and sleep on the floor himself. Caine shook his head, smiling. He couldn't believe he hadn't realized how deeply Drake's feelings went for Grayson! Although, now that he thought about it, it was possible Drake had no clue yet about how he truly felt. Caine smiled, thinking about how baffled his brother had seemed, how embarrassed. It was adorable.

Caine moved aside the blueprint and gazed at the sketch he'd drawn a few weeks ago. His throne room. Caine himself sat, Regal and imposing, just like he always saw himself. What really made him happy was the slightly smaller throne just to his left. Drake, happy and completely unafraid, ruling Caine's kingdom beside him, a crown made of Enderstone sitting on his head, and a necklace with a bright blue diamond gleaming on his chest.

Caine smiled to himself and fingered his last two diamonds. Drake had broken one of them, but maybe that was okay. One diamond for each of them, linking their souls forever. Caine liked the thought. As he went through his blueprints, he also sat beside Drake, watching him sleep.

His brother was curled up, on the cold Rig floor, whimpering slightly. Caine gently picked him up and carried him to his room. Caine gently tucked his brother in, wrapping him in a spell of warmth. Drake whimpered slightly in his sleep, and Caine flinched, remembering how scared he'd been right before he fell asleep.

Caine wasn't even sure if Drake had heard what he'd whispered to him, about how everything would be ok, how they'd rule together and how Caine would save Grayson for his brother. Drake was acting like Caine was the embodiment of evil, even though it totally wasn't true! Caine wasn't evil! Well, sure, he takes what he wants, but that's not evil. What's evil is how Collin had trapped Drake in a terrible life, or how he'd tried to destroy Caine!

Caine shook his head. Drake didn't understand yet. He was still under Collin's influence, was still effected by Collin's spell. Caine shook off the feeling of guilt that's been eating at him since he realized Drake had no clue they were brothers, until he read it for the first time in Collin's journal. But the guilt kept coming back.

Caine sighed. He'd been so mad when he saw Drake protecting that annoying little boy, that he'd never stopped and noticed the signs. Drake was justified in his fear of Caine. Caine knew this. He had given it his all to break and torture his brother, but throughout it all, Drake had stayed strong. It was only after Caine had realized the truth and tried to befriend his brother, that Drake's mind finally broke. How ironic.

Caine stroked Drake's hair as he slept. Drake's mental state was rapidly deteriorating, despite Caine's efforts to protect him. It was really frustrating. Caine thought he'd managed to make some progress, after Drake started talking back to him instead of just edging away, and even how, in his very thoughts, Drake had gone from thinking of Caine as "the demon" to "brother", which made Caine want to jump for joy.

But then... Oh, why had he mentioned the room?! Drake had reacted terribly, and quite irrationally, if you asked Caine. So what if he wanted to destroy the Earth? Drake knew that already. No, he was more freaked out over the fact that Caine was planning a future together, the two of them side by side. Caine didn't really understand why Drake had reacted the way he did, but Drake seemed to think Caine wanted him trapped beside him forever. Was that such a bad thing?

Caine would never hurt Drake, well, not willingly. Drake was so much more fragile than he was, he'd have to remember that when he gave Drake his body back. It would be too easy to embrace Drake, only to squeeze him to hard and break him. Then there was the snake. Caine flinched, thinking of how he'd turned into the snake to punish his brother.

He'd only intended to scare Drake, but he'd gotten carried away. For a moment, all he saw was the Drake who abandoned him and needed to be punished. He'd enjoyed torturing Drake, enjoyed the fear and desperation as he'd struggled. He'd even tasted good. Caine shook his head, hard. He'd definitely messed up then.

Thankfully, Drake hadn't thought too hard about the snake since it happened, probably because the memory of dying was painful. Since Drake was in the Dreamworld, he could die over and over, in fact, it was one of Caine's favorite torture methods. Probably best to not share that thought with Drake.

Drake mumbled something in his sleep, then rolled over. His heartbeat was strong and steady, telling Caine he would live a long time yet. Caine smiled at him. Love for his brother made Caine's chest feel warm.

"I'll protect you, Drake. We'll rule the worlds together. I'll teach you how to fly, and use your magic properly.

I love you."

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