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"Matt, get your butt down here! This instant!" The voice echoed throughout the house.
"Coming Mom."
What did I do this time?
Sprinting down the hall, he slipped on the carpeted stairs. Nine-year-old Matt would like to call it graceful, but to the contrary it was hilarious.
Chin colliding with every other step until he hit the floor, he sprang up immediately to run down the small hall. The colorful pictures blurred in Matt's eyes. Mrs. Hughes stood waiting, holding his lunch box.
"You slept in. The bus comes in four minutes."
After grabbing his lunch, he turns to run. The arm lands on his shoulder.
"Wait! Give your Mom a hug."
Matt hugged her and ran to the door.
Brisk morning air hit his face, he grabbed his backpack and ran. Gaining ground, with every footfall. The trees and houses blurred. The route burned into his skull, from doing it the past seven years. Always being the fastest in class, Matt made it to the bus stop with two minutes to spare. The little boy sitting there turned towards him.
"Wow! Matt, slow down!"
"Hey, Josh, how was your weekend?"
"It was awesome! We went hiking in the mountains, and the puppy loved it. I'm so excited that it's the last week of school. How was your weekend?"
"Not as cool as yours. We sat and watched movies, but my big brother came home from the Academy for a day."
"Not awesome, your brother is in the academy they only get to go home twice a year! Did you have a party?"
The bus lurched to a stop, as the boys walked on deep in conversation,
"No. He just arrived. Mom was so excited. We ate dinner, talked, and he left. Of course we are going to graduation on Sunday."
Two more kids walked on the bus. They sat in the front talking the entire time. One was way too loud for any human to not hear, so the bus driver turned and shushed them. Before they knew it, they were at school. Children rushed off to get to class. Without knowing it, Matt passed every one, and was the first person inside.
Each hallway was lined with children's art. Matt passed them until he got to the fifth grade hall. Each room's door was decorated differently than the last. He turned into a class in the middle of the hall. The other kids filled in and took to their chairs. The desks around Matt's consisted of two girls and a boy. The blond girl from the bus turned towards Matt.
"Cindy, be quiet. You're like a banshee, my god."
"Well, your braces suck."
"Horrible comeback from a stupid fifth grader."
The teacher stirred as he shushed the class. Closing the door, he returned to his desk, and began to talk about how it's the last week but they're still going to work. Finally he got to the most important part—selection test.
"All of you have heard about this Test. I will answer the most common questions. Yes, you get a new school. Yes, it is the most important test of your life. You cannot study or prepare for this test. On the twenty—fifth you will get results that will change your life."
Hands shot up immediately, each child had a different thing on their minds.
"Ms. Johansson."
"Inside voice"
"When will the test be?"
"That will be decided this week. Now, open up your math binder."
The rest of the day went with as normal as it could, the next day all the same, and the next. Students were beginning to get on edge wondering when they would be tested. Finally on Thursday an assembly was called for all fifth graders. They assembled in the auditorium where there were rows of desks lined from wall to wall. Each student was lined up in alphabetical order and took a desk. Each student was given an iPad and headphones. A video began to play, a woman stepped forward,
"Hello, and welcome to the selection test. This test will determine what school you will go to and thus the rest of your life. Now most of you know the names of these schools, but do you know their purpose in maintaining order." She paused and four names flew onto the screen. " The Academy, the Academy is the military training facility that will train you to defend our way of life. You will learn combat, history, geography, mathematics, and driving." The next name came into focus, "The University, is to teach you the sciences. Only the top students can get into the university." He paused and looked at a few students, "For those of  you who are less than average, you will go to the Vocation. Yet we need business so those people go to College. The test will commence...Now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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