Phantom Red:Chapter 4

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"God what a waste of time," John mutters to himself as he walks out of the meeting hall after Ozpin dismissed all of the students,
"You think that because he runs the place he would give a better speech," John says as he walks into the sleeping areas,
John lets out a sigh before setting his back down next to a pillar and pulling out a book about Raptors as the other students start filing into the mess hall trying to find a spot to sleep,
Time passes, as John continues to read his book not worrying about others around him only his book and his thoughts kept him...,
"Mom are you alright," John asks as he sits next to his mom's bed taking off his hat and laying it on the nightstand,
Mrs.Kujo weakly glances up and looks into John's eyes,
"You are just like your Great Great Grandfather, always so focused and straight to the point, but always so kind and caring," Mrs.Kujo says as she raises her hand and touches John's cheek,
"I think it's time that I told you everything that I know about our family's long history, "
"Is this spot taken," a voice snaps John out of his trance of reading,
"Goddamit," John says to himself as he looks up and sees a girl in a white and black jump-suit wearing a bow on top of her head,
"No, isn't taken," John says sternly before looking back down at his book,
"So can I set my things here," The girl asks as she rubs the side of her arms,
John lets out a sigh before closing his book and looking up at the girl,
"Look, I don't care if you sit here or not, I'm just want to read my book in peace," John says before opening his book again,
The girl lets out a sigh before dropping her bag next to John and starts unloading her things,
After a while, the girl stops unpacking her things and grabs a book and sits next to John and starts reading,
John lets out a sigh before he starts reading again,
"What's your name?" John asks not looking up from his book,
"Hmm," the girl responds looking up at John, "What was that I didn't hear you,"
John lets out a sigh before looking down at the girl sitting next to him,
"What's your name?" John asks again slightly annoyed,
"Oh, my name is Blake Belladonna, what's your name?" Blake asks raising her hand,
"My name is John Kujo," John says slightly shaking Blake's hand,
"John Kujo, that's a nice name," Blake says as she looks down at her book again and begins to read,
John lets out a small sigh before looking down at his book once more and starting to read it again.
"I still can't believe that they let Fanus into this school," A  boy proclaims breaking John's attention from his book once again,
"God fucking dammit, again!" John says to himself as he shifts his back against the pillar,
"Yeah, can you believe that they let filthy animals go to a school that teaches real people how to become Huntsman," Another boy replies, 
"What a bunch of ass-hole why can't they see that Faunus who are  here earned their right to be here," Blake whispers as she stares at the group of boys,
John shakes his head and looks down at his book,
Just then Blakes bow slightly twitches catching John's attention,
"Wait did her bow just twitch," John says to himself,
"Hey, guys look over here," A boy calls out as he grabs a girls' Tanuki tail," I told you that it was real," The boy laughs pulling on her tail,
"Please stop that hurts," the girl cries out as another boy pulls on her Tanuki ears, 
"I told you guys that there are real," The boy laughs as his friends start making fun of her,
John looks over at Blake who is glaring at the group of boys with murderous intent,
"So that's how it's going to be, I planned on not getting into a fight on the first day of school but looks like things turned out differently, " John says to himself as he lets out a sigh and puts his book away before slowly standing up and walking towards the group of boys,
"John where are you going," Blake asks as John lowers his hat over his eyes and keeps on walking,
"Please stop it my ears are sensitive," The girl cries as one of the boys pulls on her ear,
"Oh you want me to stop then you have to leave Beacon," The boy says pulling on the girl's ear harder,
"YEAH!!" John yells causing all of the boys to turn around and look up at John,
"What do you want," the leader of the boys' states as John walks up to the group,
"I think that girl wants you to leave her alone," John says as he stares down at the boy,
"Ha, why would we do that, she a filthy Fanus..."
"First off that's where you're wrong," John states lowering his hat over his eyes,
"Umm, so you're saying that this girl who has a tail and animal ears isn't a Fanus?" The boy questions as John takes a step forward,
"She is no Fanus she's the daughter of the Shield huntsman and his sworn sword," John says as he whips his finger across the brim of his hat glaring at the group of boys,
"WH...WHAT you're saying that this girl is the Daughter of the Shield Hero, one of the greatest Huntsman in the world!" The leader says as he stares at the girl who is sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes,
"Yes, and how do you think the Shield Huntsman would react if he found out that his daughter was being bullied by a bunch of racists," John asks as he stares at the leader, 
"Y...Y..yeah right, like you think a bitch like this would be the daughter of one of the greatest huntsman that ever lived," The leader scoffs looking back at John before attempting to shove him,
Just then a purple hand appears in front of John grabbing the boys hand,
"First you bully and innocent girl, believing that you are superior to her, then you call her a bitch,  your the type of person that pisses me off the most," John growls as the purple hand starts to crush the boy's hand,
"OW!" the boy cries desperately trying to free his hand,
"You want to know what happens to people who piss me off," John asks crushing the boy's hand even more,
The boy lets out a whimper as John seizes the boy by the collar and another purple hand appears slowly turning into a fist,
"People you piss me off don't usually don't come back from the hospital," John says as he pulls the boy closer,
"Mr.Kujo that's enough," A voice calls out causing John to drop the boy,
"Goddamit Old Man," John mutters as he puts his hands in his pockets,
"Good, now what's going on here," Ozpin says as he stands next to John and stares down at the group of boys who are shaking in fear,
"These boys were harassing that girl over there so I came over and told them to stop," John says glaring down at the leader, who is holding his hand in pain,
"Is that so, well then Mr. Cadrin Winchester please have your group follow me we will talk in my office," Ozpin states before walking out of the mess hall with Cadrin and his group following behind him.
"Good Grief Old Man, better late than never," John says as he walks over to the girl sitting on the ground trying not to cry,
"Are you alright Victoria?" John asks as he kneels in front of the girl,
"W...What you know my name?" Victora asks looking up at John with teary eyes,
"Of course I know who you are, don't you remember me?" John asks as Victoria shakes her head,
"N..No sir I don't remember you," Victoria says looking into John's eyes,
"Good grief," John says before slowly removing his hat and ruffing up his hair a bit so that the front part is sticking out in front of him,
"It's been awhile Victora-Chan," John says as he winks at Victora,
Victoria's eyes slowly widen as she slowly reaches her hands up,
"JOJO!!" Victoria cries as she grabs John around the neck and jumps on him,
"Good grief, Victoria," John says as he lets out a short sigh,
"Okay, Victora that's enough," John says as he starts to get annoyed,
"Enough!" John yells picking Victora up and dropping her in front of him,
"Jeez Victoria you think that you would grow up by now," John says as he brushes off his jacket,
"What I am grown up you jerk!" Victoria shouts as she crosses her arms and puffs out one of her cheeks,
"It's just that I haven't seen you in years," Victoria says looking up at John with an innocent look,
"Good grief, you still are the annoying cute little girl I remember" John mutters as he starts to walk away from Victoria,
"Hey, you can't say that and walk away from me!" Victoria yells as she runs to catch up to John.
POV: Ruby
"No, I'm telling you, Yang, that because I didn't get to bring my friends here with me, I had to leave them behind," Ruby says as she starts to write,
"What are you writing little sis," Yang asks as she lays down next to Ruby,
"I'm writing a letter to dad," Ruby says as she flips the page and continues writing, 
Yang lets out an annoyed sigh and takes a look around the mess hall,
"You know with all of these people around it's like one big slumber party," Yang says as she looks around the room again,
"Yeah, but I don't think dad would like all the boys around though," Ruby says not looking up from her letter,
"Well, I don't mind," Yang purrs as she looks at the boy's who had their shirts off,
"Eww, Yang, stop thinking like that," Ruby says as she hits Yang   with a pillow and before writing again,
"So, you make any new friends," Yang asks as she lays on her back looking up at the ceiling,
"Yeah, you could say that I made some friends,  Jaune is friendly and fun to hang out with," Ruby says looking at her paper with a sad face,
"What about that other guy you came in with, he seemed nice, plus he was especially hot and attractive," Yang says as she rolls over to face her sister,
"Yeah he was nice, but he seemed to be annoyed by me," Ruby says looking even sadder,
"What who could be annoyed by your cuteness!" Yang exclaims as Ruby sits up and pushes her sister,
"Also Weiss hates me, so I started my first day of Beacon by making negative friends, " Ruby says looking down at her lap,
Yang lets out an annoyed sigh before standing up and grabbing Ruby's arm and pulling her off her feet,
"Wait, Yang, where are we going!" Ruby cries as Yang starts dragging her towards John,
"We are going to make you a new friend," Yang says as she drags Ruby towards John,
"No, Yang, it seems like he is busy let's leave him be," Ruby exclaims as Yang pulls her closer towards John,
"Non-Sense, no man can ever be too busy for your cuteness and my sexy..." Yang starts to say before running right into something,
"Ouch!" Yang cries as falls towards the floor,
"Hey watch where you're going Yang says as she looks up and sees John staring down at her,"
"Can you guys please be quiet, people are trying to sleep," John says as he points to Victora and Blake who are asleep next to John's bag,
"Oh sorry about that, but I was wanting to talk to you about being friends with my little sister," Yang says gesturing to Ruby,
"Hello again, John," Ruby says standing in front of her sister,
"Sorry for being so loud, my sister was trying to get me to make friends," Ruby says as she rubs the back of her neck,
John stands there for a moment before letting out a sigh,
"Good grief, if you wanted to be friends all you had to do was ask," John says as he turns around and starts walking back towards his sleeping area,
"Wait so you will be my friend," Ruby yells as she grabs John's hand,
"But I thought that I annoyed you?" Ruby asked as John turns around,
"Oh don't get me wrong I find you very annoying, whining women always piss we off," John says staring down at Ruby who is avoiding John's gaze,
"Hey what did you say about my little sister!" Yang yells stomping over and standing in front of John,
"My sister is not annoying, take it back," Yang growls as she glares at John,
"However, Ruby, I while I do find you annoying if you want to be friends, I can't say no to a cute girl like you," John says as he pulls his hand away from Ruby and starts walking back towards his sleeping area,
Ruby and Yang stare in disbelief at what just happened,
"Um, that was unexpected," Yang says before walking back towards their sleeping area,
"Yeah, that was unexpected," Ruby mutters to herself as a small blush forms on her face,
"You coming Ruby," Yang calls out,
"Yeah, I'm coming," Ruby says as she starts walking back towards Yang.
John's POV
"Good grief, those two are annoying," John mutters to himself as he lays down on his mat staring up at the ceiling,
"John," Victora mutters causing John to look over at her,
"Yes, what is it Victora," John says letting out a sigh as he looks over at her,
"I wanted to thank you for helping me out today, it means a lot to me," Victora says as she slowly moves closer to John,
"Don't thank me, no one was going to help you so, I was..." John starts to say before he feels warm on his right arm, he looks down and sees Victora fast asleep holding his arm,
"Good grief," John says as he rubs the bridge of his nose
"You never will grow up, won't you Victora," John mutters to himself as he closes his eyes,

"Ah my Lords, what can I do for you," a man says as he bows his towards two shadow figures,
"Yes, Titan, I need all of your information on the Joestar Family's history," The shadow man asks glaring at the man called Titan,
"Y..yes my lord," Titan stutters before turning around and running into the library, 
"My love why are you bothered by this rumor that a Joestar is still alive," The shadow woman asks as she grabs on the Shadow man's arm,
"You don't seem to understand my hatred for those bloody Joestars," The shadow man growls as turns around to face the Shadow woman,
"1,000 years ago I was defeated by the hands of a Joestar, It humiliating," The shadow man states as he stares in the woman's  eyes,
"Ever since that day I have been forced to lick my wounds and hide from the world," The shadow man says, 
"But ever since you saved me, I have been more powerful than any member of the Joestar family," The shadow man says as he turns back around and faces the library,
"Then why do you need to find this rumor?" The shadow woman asks as she grabs on to his arm once again,
"Just because even though I'm far more powerful than I was back then, It doesn't mean I won't take safety precautions," The shadow man says as a dark smile forces one his face,
"The only reason I lost a1000 years ago was because of my arrogance and attacking without thinking, but now that I have endless resources I'm going to take my time and learn how to deal with this problem once and for all," The shadow man says,
"My lord, I have found it," Titan man says as he walks towards the Shadow man and woman holding a red book with a star on the front,
"I have found the..." Titan starts to say before looking down at his hands to see that they are empty,
"You have my thanks, Titan," The shadow man says as he begins to open the red book,
"Oh and one more thing, Titan," The shadow man says not looking away from the book,
"Yes my lord, what is it," Titan asks staring in disbelief at the shadow man,
"I want you to send Max Noriaki to Beacon and have him observe the students," The shadow man says before closing the book and walking away with the shadow women following behind him,

Hey Everyone Sorry It's Been Awhile But This Chapter Was A Pain To Write, But Now That It Is Out I Want To Tell You Guys My Upload Plan,
Every Week There Will Be One to Two Chapters Uploaded,
"Ether It's Going To Be Two Chapters For RWBY Or Re:Zero,"
Hope You All Have A Good New Year

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