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Misaki POV

I knocked out (Y/N). She new too much so she either had to join HOMRA or be kept from the public entirely.

She sat on the barstool, still knocked out. I see her hand begin to twitch. "She's waking up." I indicate to everyone else standing in the room.

Since I brought her here all I've been hearing is stuff about her. "She's so cute" "will she join?" "How do you even know her?" It was all frustrating to hear but I answered any questions I knew.

She looks up with disappointment. I betrayed the girl all the other clans loved. "Hey, sorry for knocking you out." I place a hand on her head. All this time I've known her, I've never seen her this upset.

She scowls. "Yeah yeah, get on with it before I smash your head in with your own bat," she threatens.

Her words were strong and I knew she would try carrying out them too. "See here, you know way too much about HOMRA to be out in the open with other clans around. We need you to either join or we'll keep you locked up." I plainly explain.

She sighs. There would be no easy giving in, "convince me."

I look around the room. Everyone was watching and listening. I clear my throat, showing them all I wanted privacy. They all notice the indication and quickly shuffle out.

"Well, get on with it." She says.

I sit down on a barstool a few across from her and face her direction. "Since you're so desperate to know stuff I guess I do need reasons for you to join," I continue with each reason, "for one, you're really cute and everyone would treat you well here. Second, we can work pretty well together so you could be another Vanguard." I stop for a moment for her to take the two reasons into consideration.

She smirks, "you think I'm cute?"

I nod without any facial expressions. I didn't want her to start getting ideas. I begin to continue more, "you know a lot about other clans and their Kings. If you give information about them I'm sure you could be awarded. And the last one for now, you don't know it but you're really strong. Mikoto started thinking about having you join since he first heard about you."

She had no expressions. She doesn't care. "Okay, what if I take a day or two to think about it? Go home and relax so I'm not as pressured." She says.

I knew she would try getting out of this but I keep well good tabs on her. She looks me up and down and uses puppy eyes. "Fine, but you cant get out of it that easy. We all can find you as easily as finding a cow in a sheep pen."

She chuckles at my comparison. She breaks the chains holding her hands together and gets up slowly. Tracing a hand over my cheek she slowly whispers, "you're cute when you're serious." With that she disappeared into thin air. I start to question if she was even in the room.

Everyone begins to pour into the room all over again. "Where did she go?" Mikoto asks.

"She asked for us to give her a day to think it over." I say.

Once I get the chance to, I feel my cheek where she had touched it. Her presence at the time was burning hot but her touch was ice cold as if someone took an ice cube to my cheek. My phone buzzes as I see her name pop up onto my phone. How did it get on my phone?

Yata side of the call

(Y/N) side of the call


Okay so I did get the right number in

Yes, you did but how did you?

You get distracted so easily

Just get to the point

I've already decided my choice

And what is it

I'll join.. but on one condition

Tell me then and we'll see about it

I want to be a vanguard along with you

Really? That's possible

Okay, I'll be at the bar tomorrow

She hangs up. She was really joining. I haven't even told her about the emblems we receive. They burn on occasion.

"Who was that?" Izumo asks.

I try my best not to smile. "Mikoto said that (Y/N) could join if she wanted because of the knowledge she contains... she just said she would join."

Izumo smirks. "How well is she in combat?" He asks.

I shrug, "not sure but we'll see tomorrow. I have a feeling she's going to make herself and her arrival very known tomorrow."

Izumo turns to everyone. "Did you all hear that? As of tomorrow (Y/N) will be joining the clan. No funny business with her, I can already see that she will have no hesitation to bash anyone off a wall if you try anything."

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