3: The Crush

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Bakugo POV

"Hey Half n' Half!" I yelled trying to get his attention.

"What Bakugo?" Shoto replied.

"Do you know something I don't about Deku's situation?!" I asked, explosions crackling at my finger tips.

"Yes. I do." Shoto replied going back to what he was doing before, packing stuff into a bag.

"Well then tell me!" I said standing in front of him, blocking him from continuing.

"Izuku has been kidnapped by 'The League of Villains' I assume they'd want something in return for him to be mostly unharmed. They wouldn't just send this photo out of no where, they probably contacted the pro's and they are trying to find a way to 'rescue' him. If they want something from a pro it's probably something more valuable then a mere student." Shoto explained before continuing his packing.

"Well then if they won't save him we need to!" I said pointing to the door.

"I though you despised Izuku, or 'Deku' as you call him." Shoto glared at him before picking up his bag and jumping out of the window landing on the grass below.

"Are you coming or not?" Shoto said looking up.

I nodded and followed him out of the school grounds.

Izuku's POV

"Mhmn.." I started to open my eye's a small pain in my arm began to surface.

"So you're up now puppy?" Dabi whispered in my ear.

"Mhm, now I am.." I said snuggling up to him, not wanting to get up.

Dabi snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My face turned redder the Kirishimas hair. 

'Why am I blushing?! Do I have a crush on him?!~' I thought to my self.

"D-Dabi why'd you d-do that?" I asked kind of embarrassed, covering the blush on my face.

"Why do you ask puppy, want me to leave?" Dabi said pretending to get out of the bed.

"N-No!" I sat up grabbing him and pulling him back to lay down.

He laughed before pulling me closer to his body which was warmer than a normal person.

I got up and changed my clothes making sure Dabi didn't look. A white button down with jean shorts I had secretly made out of Dabi's old jeans.

I went to lay down again, falling asleep again on accident.

Dabi's POV

'Ah, this kid. He's so fucking cute. Wait what did I just think?! Lord save me..' I thought to my self, feeling my cheeks heat up more than usual.

I decided to rest my eyes for a minute, which turned into a full on 4 hour nap.

------ Time Skip 4 Hours ------

A loud crash could be heard in the entrance area, waking Izuku and Dabi up.

"D-Dabi what was t-that?!" Izuku said sounding scared.

"I'll go check.." I got up and headed out too the room, Izuku clinging to the back of my shirt.

"DEKU WHERE ARE YOU?!" A blonde kid yelled into the building. A familiar kid walking in after him.

[DISCONTINUED] Burned (Dabi x Deku) Where stories live. Discover now