chapter two

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olivia's pov:

Josh and I spoke all through the flight and watched the last Avengers movie to be released, 'Endgame' and what can I say, I was a mess. Tears streaming down my face for at least the last hour of the film. 

"It's just so sad!" I whimper, getting slightly closer to Josh, as the funeral scene. Looking at me, Joshua quickly wiped away my tears with the end of his tan coloured sweater. 

"Hey, it's okay, don't cry," He smiles at me and holds his hand out for me to hold, "It's gonna be fine"

We held hands for the remainder of the film, Josh often caressing his thumb on mine, sending shivers down my spine. I mean, I've always found Josh cute and all, because who doesn't I guess? But something about this plane journey has made me see a whole different side to him.

I always knew he was caring too but I just can't put my finger on it. All I could focus on was his fingers on mine. 

The pilot informed us on the overhead tannoy system that the flight was beginning to land.

I squealed quietly. 

"I'm so excited Josh, I can't wait to be Nini all over again and see what happens with all the characters and everything, and hang out with all of the cast again," I say.

"Me too, Ricky and Nini have so much to fix, I wonder what they are going to do with it, like of course we've read the scripts but bringing them to life is so rewarding don't you think?" He replies, reciprocating my excitement.

I turn to Sofia, who is excitedly packing away her things into her bag.

"I honestly can't believe we are back!" I say.

"Me too!" She says back, "Have you been crying?" She quickly speaks again, "What's up?"

"Avengers Endgame," I say slowly. She nods her head.

"That's fair enough" She laughs.

I turn back to Josh and get my phone from my pocket and quickly check my appearance in my front camera.

"Ughh" I sigh

"What is it?" Josh asks worryingly, "What's wrong?"

I look at him.

"I look so bad, my eyes are so puffy and bloodshot" I sigh, putting my phone down in my lap.

"Hey! Don't give me that" He says honestly, lifting my head up with his fingers, "You look beautiful"

"Really?" I say, looking at him, he is definitely the beautiful one. Wait what?

"Yeah, of course, Liv, you always do," He says, he pulls back then and blushes slightly. I blush too, but I'm sure I look like a tomato, he just looks so cute.

Soon enough, we were off the flight and waiting for our baggage in the baggage claim. I was busy talking to McKenna, Sofia, and Julia but I couldn't help stealing glances with Josh, and I definitely spotted him doing it too.

"Liv?" I hear Sofia say faintly in the background noise.

"Liv!" Julia also shouts, knocking me out of my imagination.

"Yeah sorry," I say, embarrassed.

"What is going on with you? You haven't stopped looking over to Josh" McKenna says, with all three girls looking at me with confusion.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on today, sorry, he just has seemed so different with me, like in a good way, like a really good way and I just can't stop thinking about it".

The three girls look at each other and then back at me.

"Tell us everything!" Sofia squeals.


We all arrived at the hotel we would be staying at whilst we would be filming. It was just as nice as I remember it being. We all had our own rooms, and I was beyond excited. It honestly felt like a holiday with my best friends, not like work at all.

Tim walked over to us all and hugged us all separately.

"I am so excited to start season two and I'm sure you are all as well" He cheers, "I have your room keys here, we are all on the 6th Floor, so that's always useful" He continues. I wonder what my room was like. Last year, I had to share with my mom as I wasn't 16 when we started filming but now I am, I could have written consent saying I was able to stay by myself. But this year, I'm alone, and I'm so excited to be in my own space.

"Joshua, you're in room 601, Matt you're in 602, Olivia you're 603, Dara 604, Larry 605, Joe..." He carried on listing the room numbers.

However, all I could focus on was the fact that Josh and I were next door to each other as the odd numbers were one row of rooms and opposite on the corridor were even numbers.

The started getting in the lift as the bell boys took our bags upstairs into the rooms.

"So, we're neighbours," Josh says.

"Yeah, be prepared to hear me sing all day," I say back laughing.

"Sounds perfect to me, as long as you know I will be the exact same" He laughs back.

We get up to the 6th floor and walk down the long corridor. My room was right at the end.

Next to Josh's.

I don't know why I'm freaking out but the butterflies in my stomach were going insane. I couldn't wait to be next to Josh, for over 6 months.

We got to our rooms and we said goodbye to everyone before the cast dinner this evening. 

I walked into the room and it was so beautiful, with marble flooring and a massive bed all to myself, I mean if Josh wanted to share I mean I wouldn't say no-

Oh my god. Olivia. Literally stop what is wrong with you?

I start to unpack my suitcase and take out the polaroid photos I took last season and started pinning them up on my wall. There were so many memories, I can't wait to make more. I look around my room a bit more. It was smaller than last year because it's just me now. But that's okay, it makes it more homely. I look inside my wardrobe to see there is plenty of space for my overflowing suitcase full of clothes. 

However, next to the wardrobe, there was another door that I could lock and unlock. That's so weird, I've never had a door like this before that wasn't the bathroom and the bathroom was behind me so what was this.

I unlock the door and stop in my tracks when I hear another unlocking sound from the other side of the door. I open the door to be faced with something I didn't quite expect.

A shirtless Josh Bassett.

"Oh shit, hey Liv," He says, aware of his lack of shirt. 

We had adjoining rooms.

i never outgrew you - joshua bassett x olivia rodrigoWhere stories live. Discover now