Chapter 1

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I remember my first day in the temple. Coming to stay with the other children who were further ahead in training than I, I started my training later than normal, I believe I was Seven or Eight at the time.

I didn't have a lot of friends then, I began to get picked on because of how far behind I was with my abilities of the force at the time. Being a girl didn't help much either and for a time I was viewed as this pathetic and weak youngling.
After a few years passed and I stopped caring and slowly it all stopped. As we grew up and had gotten stronger and more mature, they realised I was more than capable of taking care of myself.

That first day was the scariest moment of my
life. I was terrified of this world being introduced to me. Before then I thought the force was nothing more than a myth but as I grew up some things considered 'strange' happened to me, I was picked up on the corosaunt database and I was taken to this place and introduced to the force.

Most people gave me cold or blank stares but my nerves immediately calmed as I saw another boy smiling at me, who I learned to be Anakin Skywalker, who was Nine or Ten at the time. I was waiting for my first class with Master Windu and I was lucky enough that the young boy offered me a seat next to him.

'You're new?' He questioned. This question inadvertently caused others to take notice and learn I was indeed new to the training. 'You don't look familiar' He said.

'Yes I am'  I told him, I was so embarrassed. 'But just because I'm late doesn't mean I'm not just as capable as everyone else here' I added, trying to defend myself.

'I know. I'm 10 and I only started last year, there's nothing wrong with it' He told me, assuredly. It did calm my nerves a little being told I wasn't alone. 'I'm sure one day you will be a great Jedi'

As for the life before that I only remember images. I've blocked out most of it so I can focus on the future. A flash of my fathers face or a glimpse of my mother's dresses. I often wonder what life would've been like if I stayed there and didn't have the ability to use the force. Maybe I wouldn't be lying here tonight awake from unsettling dreams.

My dreams have been increasingly stranger. Never have they been full stories, just flashes and feelings. No two have been alike so I always end up dismissing them or attempting to 'forget' them.  It was hard as the feelings that came with the memories stayed. For someone who pushed away every feeling, this was hard to handle.

I stayed in bed this morning as long as I could. Knees to my chest I watched the sun rise in my cold bedroom.

Today is the day I reunite myself with Anikan Skywalker. The boy labelled as 'the chosen one'. He's been on and off missions since less then a week after I met him. It will be strange to see him again, surely. It will be most awkward because I've thought of his kind words every day and to see him again, as exciting as it is, sends shivers down my spine.

I suddenly hear Jar Jar Binks voice from outside my room, pulling me from my trance as I start to regret not sleeping while I could.

'(Y/n)! Itsa times to get ready for sa meeting with the senator and ze other Jedi' He yells as if the walls are soundproof, irritating as it is I understand his excitement, he too is getting reunited with his friends today, apparently he also knew Anakin Skywalker as a child.

'Okay I'll be there soon' I yell back and I hear him run off as I go to get myself ready. I slip on my Jedi uniform and braid my hair to the back, leaving my padowan braid infront. I give myself a quick look in the mirror before I grab my lightsaber, clip it to my belt and make my own way over to Senator Amidala.

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