Chapter 2

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'I must say (Y/N), when you told me still had a crush on Anikan I had no idea how handsome he would grow to be.' Padmè sighed dreamily, as she changed into her evening gown.

'Neither did I.' I admitted to her. And by God was she right...he really had some glowup. I turned around to Padmè after she said she had finished changing and it amazed me how beautiful she looked with even something as simple as her evening gown on. Even though I know I shouldn't have these feelings I admit I always have felt quite jealous of her. She was truly a lovely person and even had the looks to go with it. She is just a really pure and sweet person who deserved the best.

'It's really amazing how much he's grown up in only 10 years' Padmè says. 'I completely understand your feelings. You know the first time we met he asked if I was an angel?' She told me, man that hurt. What hurts even more is that Padmè seems to like Anikan and Anikan likes her...and the really annoying thing is that it only seems to be look based whereas, well I may not have known him for very long but I liked his act of kindness and generosity. The looks were great too but it's only really a bonus.

'No Ma'am I did not, that's very sweet of him' I told her, checking the security cameras.

'Also I have a suggestion about the cameras. I think we should cover them up. I feel like whoever is trying to kill me will more likely come if it appears we have no security. You guys can sense things right? Perhaps you guys can keep watch and just please be sure to sense whatever is in the room' Padmè says.

I reluctantly agree. Although risky, it's a pretty smart idea and with the three of us we should probably be able to sense it if anything happens.

'As you wish ma'am, I will program R2 as well to alert you and us if there is a sign of any intruder' I say. After a few minutes of setting up R2 I leave the room without another word. In the hall I take a few deep breaths to calm myself and balance my feelings before I go to meet the two Jedi.

I take a final one and I feel the force in me, relaxing my anxious mind before sitting down on one of the couches, with Anakin across from me and Obi-Wan at the balcony, staring at the night sky.

'Are you okay?' Anikan asks me, in a quiet tone, turning his body towards mine.

'Uh..of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?' I feel my body tense and in a desperate attempt to relax I probably looked constipated..not my best moment.

'That can't be true, you look really tense, what's wrong?' Anikan asks again, his voice full of concern.

'I'm just on edge about the senator, she means a lot to me and I don't want to see her hurt' I say, I think this was more convincing because this is a part of it just not the main one.

'I still think you aren't telling the truth but I'll let it go, she's going to be okay, she has three Jedi protecting her for crying out loud' Anikan says.

'Yeah I agree, she is as safe as she can be. Hopefully we will get the person who is trying to kill her so she can go home' I say, taking another deep breath. It's so frustrating, I have never had to do this before and it's embarrassing.

I watch as Anikan gets up from his chair and moves to the other end of the couch I was on. 'So how have you been (Y/N)? Finally showed those kids that being late doesn't matter?' He says, smiling.

'Of course, every day'. I smile back, amazed he even remembered. 'Although I like to think of it as fashionably late but nobody is a better example of that then you Mr. Chosen One.' I say, teasing him.

'Well..I mean, I just' He struggles to get any words out as a small blush rises on his cheeks, this causes me to smile even more.

'I can't believe you remembered that' I say, almost glowing with happiness.

'Absolutely, how could I not? You were quite the amazing person. How could I not remember?' He says and now it was my turn to blush.

'Uh-I um thank you' I say, (embarrassing use of the English language part two ughhh).

Anakin goes to say something else but before he could Obi Wan comes back in from the balcony. 'All the security cameras are covered up? Obi-Wan says, holding the screen to view security footage.

'The senator requested it. I don't think she liked us watching her.' I tell them.

'So you just left her with no surveillance?' Anakin says standing up.

'Absolutely not, R2 is in there and I can sense everything going on in that room. I've been looking after her for three months. I can assure you she is safe. I defended myself.

'I thought someone with your reputation would be smarter than to make a decision like that without consulting us first' Anakin says, frustrated. He begins to walk to Padmè's room but Obi-Wan stops him.

'You are using her as bait?' Obi-Wan asks, I nodded.

'It was her idea. She thinks maybe they won't come if they find out she is being watched. For the same reason it's a secret we are here.' I tell him.

'It's a fine plan, but you should have talked to us first. You still have much to learn young padowan' Obi-wan says as he let's go of Anikan.

'I apologise, Master Kenobi. I'm just so used to working on my own. I assure you I won't do that again' I explain.

'I understand, it's hard for a padowan to do such missions on there own. You won't have to much longer. I hear the council has found you a new master' Obi-Wan informs me.

'They have?' My heart clenches and my stomach forms knots. A new master? Images of my late Master Adi Gallia dying in my arms at the hand of Darth Mauls brother. She was like a mother to me, she sacrificed everything to make me into the person I am today and that was a debt I would nerved be able to repay. Before her I was with Master Windu, who I was honoured to learn from before his power was needed elsewhere fighting in higher risk missions that was too dangerous for me at the time.

'I assure you, this master will not leave you. Soon he will be ready for you' Obi-Wan reassures me, almost as if he read my mind.

Suddenly we all froze as we felt violence and danger shake our inner being 'Do you guys~' 'I sense it too'.

We all sprint down the halls turning on our lightsabers, Anakin gets there first, quickly followed by myself and I find two white worm type things on her skin.

'Careful Anikan!!' I cry out as I see him slice the two creatures. I notice outside there is a small droid. It closed its notch in the window but before it flies away I go to jump out the window in an attempt to follow it.

'(Y/N)!! No!!! Don't do it' I hear someone yell from behind me but I ignore them and take a (literal) leap of faith. I did land on the droid but I immediately regret my instincts as I realise this must have some sort of self destruct on it, it was foolish of me to think the droid would simply go back to it's owner and either I'm going to eventually fall off the droid or it's going to self destruct, either way the odds aren't looking to good.

A/N: I was so tempted to reference the line 'never tell me the odds' but I just couldn't, sadness...

My apologies for the slow updates and slow pace of the book but I promise as the story progresses this book will get more entertaining and enjoyable to read.

So this leaves 1 question.....
Who is (Y/N)s new master going to be?

If anyone has any suggestions for this story or general improvements for the story please just comment it so I can hopefully make this a better story. Would you all rather I keep calling the main character (Y/N) or do y'all want a proper character? Let me know!!

Word count: 1467

Until next time...
hayley xx

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