Chapter 3

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My  hands begin to slip as I desperately attempted to hold onto the small droid. This was a dreadful mistake. I don't understand why I keep making mistakes like this today, it's so frustrating! The one time I actually have people to impress I act as if I'm a clueless youngling!

I try to look anywhere but down and suddenly from the corner of my eye I see a person in black clothing holding a weapon of some sort and before I'm able to do anything about it the droid is blasted to bits and I'm  plummeting towards the ground at great speed.

Instead of panicking  I try to angle myself by almost holding a pose like the one you would have when flopping on your bed to slow the fall. I spot the being heading in the direction towards the busier parts of the city but before I reposition myself to follow it I'm relieved to see a familiar yellow speeder racing below me, I dive down and grab onto the back and swiftly climb into the seat

'What were you thinking?!!!!' Obi-Wan bellies at me, infuriated by my madness.

'I'm sorry master but I needed to see who the attempted killer was and I knew that we'd never get to a speeder fast enough to track it down! I'm sorry!' I yell back over the sound of all the screeching traffic. 'There! Follow that speeder!!' I shout to Anikan who is currently driving and I climb in front to squeeze next to him so I can get a better view of what was going on.

'This better work (y/n)! We've left the senator unprotected and there is a higher chance of her being attacked the longer we are gone!' Obi-Wan says, clearly stressed as Anikan accelerates to catch up to the presumed bounty hunter.

'She's not!' I shout,..'I hope' I say quieter.

Anikan speeds up yet again to the speeder I pointed out. This boy is a crazy flyer, I trust him but all the flying is making me get motion sickness, I hope we get off soon and end this crazy chase, I feel like I've looked death in the eyes more than once while flying with him.

'Anikan watch out!!' I hear Master Kenobi shout. At this point I've cover d my eyes with my hands as I can't bear to watch from fear that I might actually throw up.

After a few more close calls I start to feel a little better and am comfortable enough to open my eyes and watch the speeder fly into a tunnel. I assumed Anikan would follow but instead he turns and goes the other way.

"Anikan, they're going that way, where are you going?!" Obi-Wan  asks, looking rather stressed.

"If we keep going this way that creep is going to end up deep fried! Personally I'd like to know who he is and who he's working for...this is a shortcut- I think..." Anikan trails off.

"You think?" I ask, on edge because of his recklessness.

"I hope" He swallows hard and I close my eyes to try and calm myself. As much as I liked him, this stupidity frustrated me.

He continues going the other way for quite a while before even he realises that the person we're looking for is long gone.  He stops the speeder to the side  and looks down, ashamed as obi-wan begins to lecture us.

"I'm deeply sorry master" Anakin apologises.

"Some short cut Anikan. Now we've lost him, he went  completely the other way! (Y/N) could have died and now her recklessness was  for nothing. Once again-" Obi wan stops as Anikan jumps off the speeder.

"If you'll excuse me" We hear him say.

"Anakin!" I yell after him, completely terrified. Oh to see without my eyes...

"I hate it when he does that." Obi Wan slides over to the controls and begins flying.

"You mean he's done that before?!" I ask, worried the poor boy has a death wish.

"More than I'm willing to admit." Obi-Wan speeds off after Anikan. I watch as Anikan lands on.. WAIT that's the bounty hunters speeder! He got 'em! Come on Anikan! You can do this!

We both watch as Anikan slides over the speeder and pulls out his lightsaber and stabs the top of the freighter.

"What is he doing?!" I exclaim, frustrated. "He's going to get himself killed!"

"Well he's not going to get any answers if he doesn't stop the speeder" Obi-Wan says, not convinced.

"Stop the speeder? Stop the speeder! He's going to get himself and the bounty hunter killed! We need answers and we aren't going to get him if he's dead!" I rant, really worried.

I shouldn't have jumped onto that droid. Suddenly I see a silver cylinder flying back at us. I reach up and catch it with ease.

"Anakin's lightsaber" I tell Obi-Wan.

"Of course it is" He grumbles, disappointinef. Suddenly the bounty hunter's speeder catches on fire and we watch as it plummets to the ground.

"Anikan!" I let out a cry, praying that he turns up okay. I just watch in despair as Obi-Wan catches up to the remains of the speeder. As soon as we park I jump out and run to Anikan ,who I see not too far behind.

A/N: And that's all folks, chapter three. Sorry for the long wait and thanks to those who keep giving me support and even though I've only just started. Who knows... I might possibly start uploading more regularly. Maybe..maybe not. Typing a story on your phone is very frustrating.

Word count: 953

hayley xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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