The Error Deal- Chapter 2

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It's been 3 days since Kirishima and Midoriya went missing. The school notice this when they didn't show for school. Or their friends when they didn't  show up at the same spot at 3.

Mostly everyone was down about it. The two most brightest people in class gone. The aura felt different with the two desk empty.

Uraraka and Mina felt the worst.


"Hey Kiri how ya doing?" Mina asked.

"Ehh... Just looking for some things I might need for camp. I don't really know what to get."

"Mind if I help I already got everything I need."

"Sure, but be warned I am very slow at shopping. It's not my thing." They both laughed and went on.

It was 2:30 and they had 30 minutes to go back to the spot they needed to meet up at. Then Kirishima stopped where they were and looked at Mina in the eye.

"H-hey I wanted to asked you something." He was scratching the back of his head and was looking down at the floor.

Mina knew what was going on. And she didn't like it.

"I-i like you and was wondering if you do to." Kirishima was as red as his hair.

"Kiri I-i like Sero."

Kirishima stopped for a minute and looked up smiling.

"Of course you do. I was stupid for thinking that. We are training to be heroes we don't need these feeling in the way of our dream. If you excuse me I need to go and get fresh air. Meet you at 3?"

"Kiri wait-" Mina reached her hand out to Kirishima, but slapped it away.

"It's okay we can still be friends."

Those were the last words he said to her.


These regrets needed to be ignored they will return soon and be safe then everything can go back to normal.


It was morning and class 1A was normal for once. People were talking, sitting around, and staring out the window. People where doing fine since they got the news from their teacher.

Mr. Aizawa class 1A's teacher burst open the door.

"Class I have news. So go to your seats and be quiet."

The class instantly did so and we're hoping for the news they wanted to hear.

"Midoriya Izuku was found at Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall at 5:42 yesterday and is currently in Recovery Girl's office."

Some people yelled with excitement and some people smiled and some were still quiet.

Uraraka jumped up in the air and hugged Iida in front of her.

Mina raised her hand first and asked, "Mr. Aizawa what about Kirishima?"

The class went quiet once again as Aizawa sighed and looked as the papers he had.

"Kirishima Eijiro was confirmed deceased by Midoriya Izuku the day at Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall at 3:04. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 5:00. I'm sorry."

Everything was dead quiet and Mina moaned in agony for the lost of her friend. Tears were rolling down everyone's faces. Some looked shock and just stared at nothing.

Mina's friends went to calm her down and Iida went to Aizawa.

"Do you know how he died. Is Midoriya okay?"

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