Chapter 3: Mysterious New Foes

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As Mario, Sonic, Luigi, and Tails start search caught to find their friends they are overrun by a large group of enemies.

Team Heroes are seen in the X-Tornado searching for their friends.

Mario: Man this stick. I can't tell where our friends are.

Sonic: We've searched everywhere for them and we haven't found a single clue.

Luigi: Are you they're here Tails? Cause we've been here like twice already.

Tails: I'm sure of it because this why I always check and double check.

Sonic: That's Tails for you.

As they fly something appears on Tails's radar.

Tails: Guys I see something on the radar. I wonder what it can be.

Luigi: Huh I see so many so many things on the radar.

Tails: Do you think it's our friends.

Luigi: I hope so...because that's a WHOLE lot of them.

(*Cues: Draconic Robotics*)

Mario and Sonic look at each because they realize something is wrong.

Mario: Something's wrong.

Sonic: Tails get away from the ground.

Tails: What?

Mario and Sonic: GET AWAY FROM THE GROUND!!!

As they said it lasers are fired forcing Tails to get away from the ground.

Mario: What was that?

As the fly they look down to find some mysterious enemies from before firing the lasers at the group.

Mario: What in the world?

Sonic: Who the heck are those guys?

Luigi: I don't know but we gotta get out here.

Tails: And that's what we're going to do. Hang on!

Tails steers the plane hard avoiding enemy fire. As Mario, Sonic, and Luigi try to hold on

Mario, Sonic, and Luigi: WHOA!!!!!!

Person #1: Sir their getting away.

Mysterious leader: Keep firing!!!

They continue firing as Team Heroes tries to dodge them.

Luigi: Tails their gaining on us!

Tails: I know! Which is why we're going at full speed! Hang on!!

Tails presses a button that lets the plan boost at maximum speed so they can get away and avoid enemy fire with ease. However Terra has one trick up her sleeve as she aims her sniper at the plan.

Terra: Oh no, you don't!

Terra fires the shot and hits the plane's wing causing it to lose control.

Mario, Sonic, Luigi, and Tails: Oh no!

Tails: I can't stay in the air much longer. Brass for impact!!

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