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It's been a week since mom and I talked about my dad and half-sister. My dad is dead and my sister hasn't been seen since then. The fact that we have no contact with the Fallens makes it even harder to figure out if she's still alive.

"Hurry up. We have to deliver these," Buttertooth shouts from downstairs as I get dressed.

She came over a few hours ago and said we had two different orders. One wants a cake and the other is Mrs Purplestorm who she wants a pie. We've been baking all morning and now it's almost one in the afternoon.

I look into the mirror, adjusting my hair and clothes and after a minute or so, I am done. Walking down the stairs to help carry stuff, something strange happens. My mood drops and I can feel my heart beating faster. I feel like I want to cry but I can't.

Buttertooth catches me before my body connects to the hard floor. She's saying something but I can't make out the words as my head begins to pound. My thoughts are jumbled and before I can stop myself, I let out a scream. "I don't want to leave!"

Then instantly, everything stops.

I look up to see Buttertooth and she has a mixture of fear and confusion written all over her. She takes out her handkerchief and wipes tears off my eyes then helps me to stand up properly.

"If you don't want to deliver these, I could just do it," she mumbles and I shake my head.

"I don't understand what just happened. It's not about the delivery," I retort but then decide that I'd figure it out later. "Let's just go."

I walk over and pick the cake up but Buttertooth just stares at me, trying to see if I'm okay. I give her a slight nod before she takes the pie and follows me out of the house. I manage to lock the door before we fly away.

We stop in front of a house that's just a few blocks away from Mrs Purplestorm's and knock twice before a young woman opens the door.

"Good afternoon, here is your order," Buttertooth says and I give her the cake.

She smiles and takes the cake from me but still opens the door wide, telling us to come in with her. We hesitate at first but still end up entering. The place is filled with paintings hanging on the walls everywhere.

"Welcome. Take a seat and feel welcome while I go get your money," she says and walks away, leaving us to admire the house.

One painting catches my attention. I walk closer to it to get a closer look. It's a painting of a woman that is sticking out her tongue. She looks like an average angel being but her eyes are completely black and her tongue is a little longer than normal. She plainly looks evil.

"Do you know what she is?" I hear the lady ask from behind me and I turn to face her.

Shaking my head, I shrug. "No. But she sure doesn't look like she's normal."

The lady chuckles and hands over some money to me. "She's not a Fallen or a Free but her type really does exist you know."

Buttertooth looks at me and I catch her eye, not missing the curiosity written on her face. She's literally still carrying the pie for Mrs Purplestorm and it must be tiring. I look back at the lady and I guess she gets that we're curious to know more because she lets out a chuckle again.

"Why don't you girls get done with your delivery and come back. I'll tell you everything you want to know about her type," she says and starts walking towards her front door.

"Do you want to?" Buttertooth asks me as we follow the lady.

"Hell yeah." I scoff and the two laugh.

"I'll be glad talking to you two about them. It's pretty lonely in here anyways," the lady says, her voice sounding strained and sad. "I'm Filn with a silent n."

"I'm Buttertooth and this is my best friend Evalaine. Nice to meet you Filn," Buttertooth chimes in.

After the introductions and a few seconds of smiling, Buttertooth and I leave and head over to Mrs Purplestorm's house which is only a few blocks away. I knock on the door and she opens it almost immediately.

"Good morning ladies." Mrs Purplestorm smiles and lets us in.

"Good morning," Buttertooth and I reply in unison.

"How are you two doing?" She says as she closes the door and follows us to her kitchen, where we keep the pie.

"I'm fine. We're good. You're great. Where are the boys?" Buttertooth says, making us laugh. "What?"

"Nothing," I reply quickly and she narrows her eyes at me.

"Yeah sure it was nothing. Just tell me where they are." She turns to Mrs Purplestorm and pouts.

"They aren't here at the moment," Mrs Purplestorm answers calmly.

"Where did they go?" I ask and Mrs Purplestorm takes a moment before sighing.

"Zed and Decklan have been sneaking around lately. I don't know where they go but I have a bad feeling about it," she says and when we don't reply, she continues. "I have a feeling that Decklan is up to something and he's dragging Zed along."

"So, you don't know where they are or when they left the house?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Ever since the day you saw that creature with horns, they've been acting so weird. They leave the house so early and come back late in the evening. I ordered this so they eat whenever they get back because I really don't know when they will," she explains further and I get Goosebumps all over my body.

"Where is Puffer?" Buttertooth asks and even I can notice the worry in her voice.

"He has come around a few times but Zed was never home. He still doesn't like or trust Decklan and this makes it worse." She sighs and shakes her head.

"I'm sure they are both fine. They are probably somewhere drinking or chilling with other dudes. You know how guys can be," Buttertooth says to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah I'm sure that's it." I sigh and turn to leave. "We have to go. Someone is waiting for us."

"Yep. We are visiting a new friend somewhere around here." Buttertooth grins and Mrs Purplestorm nods.

"Okay then. I'll tell the boys you two dropped by when they come back," she says as she walks us to the door.

"Sure," I say even though my mind isn't at rest. I have a feeling that what I felt earlier this morning has to do with Zed and it's scary.

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