Chapter 2

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"Your Lee Y/n?"

Asked looking down at me, checking me out, as if he was judging me like a cake, to how I look and taste like, I scoffed at him

"So you're saying that I'm ugly?"

His eyes grew larger at my statement as he started to stutter at his words, he shook his hands vigorously

"Oh no no no no no, I didn't mean to say that!!!"

He said denying the fact that he looked pretty much like he was, he stood up straight and smiled, I looked at him weirdly, as he stuffs his hands in the pockets of his hoodie

"I think you cute"

I small blush slowly crept up on my cheeks, even though I was mad at him a few moments ago, but hey, you cannot say you can't be completely melted at this point at how sweet he's being right now

Like how can he be so rude yet again after a minute he turns into a vicious cute bunny-like child in just a small amount of time?

"W-Whatever let's just go inside"



He passed me a science book, I open it and my eyes grew wide, high lights were seen by my very eyes, neon yellow was the color used for the high lights, it looked really cool yet really pretty


I mumbled the high lighted words of the first page, I remember this one, it's from the periodic table, I memorized this in 7th grade, why would he give this to me, I looked up to him in confusion

"A science book from 7th grade?"

He nodded smiling, okay, who does that? whatever he's still super cute when he does it though

"Of course, your mother told me about the subjects and lessons that you always forget, and one of those is the periodic table, now go and start taking notes"

"Why tho?"

He chuckled at me, giving me his super cute bunny smile, he leaned back over the couch and put his hood on, and closed his eyes

"Because after 30 minutes, I'm gonna start asking a question about each one, now get studying"

"Okay...but what if I don't want to?"

I asked raising a brow, he smirked at me, making me gulp from nervousness, what will he do?

"Then I'm gonna kiss you if don't"

I scoffed at his answer and looked away, for some reason I blushed a bit but then said

"As if you would...."

I mumbled, opening the book and memorizing as much of the elements as possible, this fish brain ain't smart enough some times


"Times up"

He exclaimed leaning over to me, my god I fell asleep studying again, what the hell is wrong with me?!

"Nooo~ I fell asleep~"

He chuckled and ruffled my hair as I continued to whine at him, I fixed my hair while he sat next to me

"But that doesn't count princess~"

He started to tease, I ignored him and leaned over the couch closing my eyes, not wanting to study anymore, then I suddenly felt something touch my lips, my eyes shot open, I looked at Jungkook seeing him smirking, my eyes widen, as I covered my mouth

"W-What d-did you just do"

I stuttered, shocked from the sudden action he just sat there chuckling, then his eyes met mine, I was so quiet and he was so loud, don't tell me what he said earlier was true

"I told you I would kiss you if you didn't study, didn't I?"

My eyes went wide, I got up and ran for my room, I ran upstairs hearing footsteps behind me, there, my room is just right there, my god let me inside please, I opened the door in a hurry and slammed it shut, I then locked it

"Y/n open up"

He said knocking on my door, his voice became soft, I slid down and sat on my floor, he just kissed me, he took my first kiss!!!

'What a pervert!'

"Come on Y/n open up"

He said still knocking on my door, as I stood up and jumped on my bed, I covered myself with my blankets while I yelled

"No, you took my first kiss away you pervert!"

I yelled at him from my bed, he's so mischievous, and I think no one would believe me if I told them that, that Jungkook guy is such a pervert, I mean look at him, he looks so innocent

"That was your first kiss?!"

"Duh!? Like why would I react like that if it wasn't!"

I yelled back, furious, mom always taught me to kiss the .person that i will be marrying in the future but now that will never happen, well maybe it will but he wouldn't be my first kiss!

"Y/n I'm sorry okay...."

"Sorry? Your sorry is not gonna help you take back what you just did!"

'Y/n calm down Y/n just calm down okay, try to calm yourself before you kill him yourself'

I took deep breaths, in and out, in and out, there we go, keep going Y/n keep going, calm yourself down, Then I heard my bedroom door click

'It's open?!'

Jungkook came in, his face calm and his hands on the doorknob, he looked at me apologetically, he came in and I heard a few keys ringing, in his left hand, the keys were held.

'Wait those are our house key!'

"H-How did you get t-those"

I said stuttering yet again for a hundredth time today, he just came closer as I kept moving back, he plopped his butt down on my bed and said

"Y/n I'm really sorry"

He kept coming closer, as I kept moving away, I almost fell off the bed, Jungkook jumped to grab me but we then ended up falling to the floor, he was on top of me and I laying flat on my bedroom floor

I couldn't move, as Jungkook's hands were on either side of mine, keeping me secured in his embrace while keeping himself up as well

"Jungkook g-get of m-me"

I stuttered again, looking at him in the eyes, while the two of us kept quiet after then, his hot breath hitting face, his toned arms either side looked hot yet sexy, then he said something that totally caught me off guard

"Why don't you start calling me Oppa princess"

~Remember To~

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