"Why don't you finish your homework, and if you do, ill give you what you want later. What do you say?"
{⚠️I wrote this in 2019 I was young and dumb, I still am but maybe a bit mature more now? So bear with my young self⚠️}
A Jeon Jungkook X Reade...
Jimin hyung said while i chuckled and smiled as i saw Y/n she smiled at me and waved while i got up and hugged her and gave her a peck on lips and held her waist and said
"You girls took so longgg~"
I whined while she laughed at me and caressed my hair as i gestured to a seat, i opened the sit for her to sit and when she was i sat beside her and held her waist and held her close to me as she laid her head on my shoulder
"Aw~ look at the couple~ there's so cute ugh! I envy you two so much!!"
"You won't have to"
"What do you mean Jimin-sshi?"
"Stop being so formal were friends talk to me like you talk to any other of your friends"
"Oh...okay Jimin"
Shinhye smiled and nodded and took her phone from her pocket and started scrolling through it
Jimin hyung was still looking at her like fresh meat as i looked at Taehyung hyung as he did the same with Hyeshin, chuckling i nudge Y/n a bit and made her look at her two cousins
She giggled and bit her lip and gave me a look, smirking we both nodded and stood up, the guys were confused as i grabbed Jimin hyung and Shinhye and pulled them to another table far away from us so they can have some privacy as Y/n did the same with Hyeshin noona and Taehyung hyung
"Jk what are you doing?"
"Yeah why are making us sit here....alone?"
Shinhye said as i saw her cheeks flare up red as i chuckled and made them sit down and said
"Oh please hyung, i know you've been dying to get some time alone with Shinhye here and i know you like her?"
"W-What? N-No i don't"
"Yes you do so shut up and i'll bring a waiter in for you so get into a conversation and get to know each and who knows Shinhye, you might get a boyfriend after all and not get jealous of me and Y/n"
I said while smirking her face went even more as i smirked and gestured for a waiter to come, looking at the two one more time i smirked and waved goodbye
Then i went to Y/n as she was just done getting two together, the both of us smiled as she said while holding my hand
"Now, shouldn't we get our own time together alone?"
"Of course"
I said while i kissed her forehead and made her sit on a on a pair of seats right on the very back and very edge, the more quiet it is the better spot for a little bit of privacy
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"Waah~~ the back of the restaurant is nice"
"And very quiet"
"And what does that mean mister?"
"Haha you'll see"
"Oh i hope its good"
"Oh im sure you'll like what were about to do"
A/n: hoped you liked it and if your asking why i did a double up date its just because i had vacant time
And again if there is any grammatical errors.
Forgive me.
And sorry if its short i had no other ideas in mind.
Hope you enjoyed and comment down below if i should make Tae and Hyeshin date and or Jimin and Shinhye date
Its all up to you guys
And again i hope you enjoyed and i'll see y'all with the next one soon!