Protect Pt.2

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Welp, I guess Sunday is my new update day. Anyway, Volume 7 is turning out to be pretty great! I have Rooster Teeth First so I'm probably ahead of some of you, but message me if you want to see the newest episode when it's released. But now to get on with the story!

I don't own RWBY.

Bold Text - Changes and stuff.

Italicized Text - In Mind or said to themselves.

(Text in parentheses) - Important stuff.

"In quotations" - Noises or expressions or actions (Like sarcasm)


You three are huddled up in the center of the clearing.

You: I hope Professor Goodwitch is a good distance away.

Malak: Hey now! We need to get going and you've exhausted the rest of my good mood.

Shao: Let's switch who we're fighting.

Anti-Greed: Yeah, I don't know why we listened to him in the first place.

You: Wait, I think we might have a good match up. We just need a new plan.

Shao: Let's see what you have then.

You: All right. Shao, summon Eruptikai and have him flap his wings.

Shao: Ok.

He brings out the amulet, summons Eruptikai and he starts flapping his wings.

Malak: You've used up all of your time! Come back so we can finish this!

The wind from Eruptikai's wings kicks up tons of dust and dirt, creating a cloud obstructing the Dread 6's vision.

Malak: Are you deciding to run now! It's too late! Dread 6, surround them!

You: (Quietly) Ok, Anti-Greed, you dash out as fast as you can and punch Couzu. Shao, you take out Raid Schocker. I'll get Renu. On three.

Malak: You have until three!

You: (Quietly) One.

Malak: Two!

You and Malak: Three!

You all charge out of the cloud, heading towards them.

You increase your speed to be faster Renu's. When you get close, he dashes away, but you follow him.

Renu: What? How!

You: You have a max speed, I don't.

You hit him with Thorn Blast, throwing him off his balance and sending him flying into a tree at near the speed of sound.

You: That's one down, now Dread Seeker to go.

You dash over to him.

Shao POV

Shao dashes out of the cloud, preparing his mic.

Shao: Time for some payback Thunder Thighs!

Somewhere in a random village

Nora: "Sneezes"

Ren: Are you all right?

Nora: Someone just insulted me!

Jaune: Ren! Nora! Focus on this interrogation!

Pyrrha: Why did we give him the mustache again?

Back to Shao

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