Vinegar Doppio

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Doppio is a case of a very interesting character in my personal opinion in the way he both acts and speaks "around" and with the boss.

Section 1: personality
Doppio acts vastly differently from the boss in that he's more inexperienced and lacks the thought and foresight that of his other personality/body, doppio is quick to act and panic like that of a younger adult which he is and uses his stand epitaph less sparingly then the boss. His personality reflects that of someone who worships someone higher than him, that person being The Boss.

Section 2: Stand
His stand is more so a substand of another, King Crimson. Epitaphs main and only ability is to foresee 5 seconds into the future, i personally believe this symbolizes his fear and anxiety of the future, after all he was absolutely terrified while fighting risotto.

Section 3: Relations in the gang.
Doppio is mostly the "second hand" of the boss and is why almost no one is able to find the boss. He's the second personality and "body" of the boss so therefore is a very high ranking member in the gang.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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