The rescue

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(Not edited)

Jennie's p.o.v

I woke up by coldness,I tried feeling the other side of the bed if taehyung was there but I couldn't feel anything

I frown at the thought of taehyung not being here

I opened my eyes and taehyung wasn't there

I turned around and taehyung was there staring at me, my frown immediately turned into a smile

"Good morning princess"he said

"Good morning prince"I mocked him

Suddenly I felt something soft and warm on my lips

I realized taehyung kissed me and I kissed back

There was no lust or tongue just love and affection

We pulled away panting, he smiled at me and I smiled back

"Come on get ready if you want to rescue your sister as fast as possible"Taehyung said

I immediately jumped out of bed at ran to the bath room

After I finished getting ready I went down stairs

"Good morning unnie"Lisa said

"Good morning"I said

I went and sat next taehyung

"At what time are we gonna rescue Y/N"I asked

"Maybe at midnight"Jungkook said

"Ok"I started eating

After breakfast:

We were all in the meeting room talking about how the plan is gonna go and what our places are

"Since you guys know how to fight you will train half of the warriors"Jungkook said

We all said 'ok' and we left to train the warriors

We went out to go to the training area (I don't know)

When the warriors saw us they bowed

"Ok everyone half of you will be trained by the girls and half will be the boys"Jungkook said

After he said that we heard whispers about how girls will train them

Apparently Lisa got annoyed and said

"Enough!"They all stoped and looked at her

"Stop acting like boys are the only ones who can fight!"Lisa snapped

"Whoa whoa whoa chill baby you might kill someone"Yoongi said

"And that someone is you if you don't shut up"Lisa glared

Then Yoongi shut up

All of the boys fell on the ground laughing

"Why are you guys laughing!?"Yoongi asked

"That's the first time you listened to a girl that is not your mom"Jin said

"Yea yea whatever"Yoongi rolled his eyes

After training (because A/N doesn't know how to train)

After we trained it I checked the time and it was 10

whoa how long did we train for?

"Ok everyone you did great hopefully we will defeat Jackson and get your Luna back"Jungkook paused

"I can see that everyone is tired so use this time to rest and we will rescue your Luna at midnight"Jungkook continued

Me and Taehyung went to our room and clean our selves

After that we cuddled and slept

The reason why I didn't publish yesterday?



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