Nothing Personal

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Jack's POV

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"Jack, time for school." My mom walked into my room.

" You sure?" I asked.

"Yes." She laughed.

" Positive?" I tested.

" One hundred percent." She nodded.

"I suppose." I stood and stretched.

My name is Jack. Jack Barakat, to be exact. I'm 17, and a junior in high school. I'm the nerdy dorky freak in school. I don't really let it phase me anymore.

"Jack, come on or you'll be late!" My mom yelled up the steps a few minutes later. I sighed and grabbed my phone and headphones before walking down the steps.

"K. I'm ready. Bye mom." I called and went to walk out the door.

" Wait!" Someone yelled. My sister, May, ran down the steps. She ran over and hugged me before handing me ten dollars. "I'm skipping school today. Don't tell mom." She whispered. I laughed and took the money.

" Okay." I replied. We walked outside and I began walking down the street to school, and she went to her car. I got to school a few minutes later and walked to my locker. I got our my book and walked to my first period class, waiting for the day to start. I sat in the back, as usual, and did what I did in class.

The day went normal. I'd sit in the back, do my work, go to my locker, get tripped by random people, and repeat. Before last period, I walked to my locker and put my books in before pocketing my headphones and phone. Like hell if I was going to gym class. I began walking down the hall to the abandoned wing of the school, where i always go, before someone stuck their foot out in front of me, causing me to fall on my face. I sighed and pushed myself off the ground. I saw who did it, a boy named Alex. With him were his friends Zack, Tino, and Beau. I'd been tripped and beat by all but Alex. He was more of the watch and laugh, or trash talk. He'd called me an assortment of names. I rolled my eyes at them.

" You know, tripping me isn't going to do anything for you. No one thinks it's cool." I said. Beau laughed at me before they walked away. I sat where i always sat, and waited for the end of class. However, about ten minutes before the last bell, the annoying voice of the school principal came over the intercom.

"Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth to the office please. Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth."

I stood confused and walked to the office. When I got there, they told me to go into the principles office. Inside was the principal, Mrs. Orlando, Alex, and Coach Compton.

" Take a seat, Mr. Barakat." Mrs. Orlando said. I took the empty seat. "Do you know why you're in here?"

"Well, I could take a guess, but I doubt I'm right." I stated.

" You know skipping class is against the rules, right?" She asked.

" So I've been told." I replied.

"Jack, you need a physical education credit to graduate." Coach said. I sighed.

"I just... don't like putting on shorts and running around doing pointless stuff and sweating." I shrugged.

" Well, I understand that. Thats why Alex here is gonna help. We've already talked to him... After school, for this last quarter, he'd gonna work with you to help you get the credit you need." She told me. I gave her a weird look.

" Um..." I went to speak.

" You don't have any say. We've already called your parents about it." She said. " End of discussion. You start after the bell." And with that, we all left. I sighed as all the students left.

"So..." he started.

" You aren't serious, are you?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Sure. Why not? " he leaned against the lockers.

"Because you hate me." I stated and began walking to the doors.

"Who said that?" He asked, following.

" Its kinda obvious." I plugged in my headphones and turned on the Blink-182 song, What's My Age Again.

"Oh hey. I like that song." He smiled, hearing my loud music.

" Have fun with that." I mumbled and walked off.

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