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DAY 10

Hyejoo hadn't spoken to Chaewon ever since the little 'Yves incident' happened
She only talk to her once a day, she never interacted to her that much and Chaewon became upset about it, "What did Hyejoo even do to Yves? She never told me." She questioned as she sat in bed, in the dorm

"I can't take it anymore." She got out of bed and walked her way towards Hyejoo's dorm, she knocked on it once and no answer, she then knocked on it once again and it finally opened,
"Chaewon?" Hyejoo called with raspy voice,
"We need to talk." Chaewon said as she let herself in and sat down on a chair,
"Why are you here? In your pineapple pajamas..." Hyejoo asked while getting the guest a glass of water before sitting down in front of her,
"I thought about it and..." Chaewon took a sip of water before continuing, "I want to know why." She continued

"What do you mean?" Hyejoo asked her with sleepy eyes and a pouty lip,
"Why are you and Yves enemies?" The blonde asked,
"It's none of your business." Hyejoo said as she rested her head on her palm,
"I believe it is technically my business since I'm kinda your soulmate, I felt your anger, sadness and everything." Chaewon replied, "I felt you upset yesterday, I felt your anger and I felt the pain you experienced the other few days you technically ignored me." Chaewon ranted as Hyejoo felt bad about suddenly ignoring her

Hyejoo then silently teared up and Chaewon watched every second, she then went up to her and wiped her tears, "I'm sorry, but the truth had to be spoken, I had to rant that out cause I couldn't keep it to myself anymore." The blonde then teared up as she saw the girl in front of her uncontrollably crying,
"It's okay, it's my fault anyways, I shouldn't have ignored you like how I did these past few days." The black haired girl spoke, "I didn't think, I just immediately shut up and never talked to anyone after the whole Yves situation." Hyejoo said as she tried to prevent to stop tears from falling out from her black wolf eyes

"Should you get going though?" Hyejoo asked, 
"It's not the evening, I came to see how you're doing and wanted an explanation." Chaewon answered with a calming tone,
"Please don't leave me alone here and take Yves' side." Hyejoo's expression softened,
"I won't, I promise." She giggled

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