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DAY 90

Days had passed by and Yves has yet again bother Hyejoo, it goes on everyday...even some made her get into trouble, even most of it are Yves framing her, "HYEJOO SON! COME HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT! NOW!" the teacher called as Yves had a smirk painted on her face,
"Yes miss?" Hyejoo asked politely,
"Did you or did you not steal a pen from Yves?" the  teacher asked,
"Miss, I wouldn't do such a thing." she answered,
"Yves, she did not steal your pen." the teacher informed the girl glaring at the other,
"Oh yeah? W-well..uh...I-I have proof!" Yves exclaimed

"Yves, just go back to your place right this instant." the teacher ordered,
"B-but miss-" she got cut off by the teacher staring at her,
"Go. right. this. instant. before I send you to another dimension." the teacher said as she scoffed, looking at the black haired girl with innocent puppy eyes,
"I will get my revenge, just wait for it Hyejoo..." Yves thought before going back to her place

She sat at her place and Chuu watched the girl beside her misbehave then took a glance at Chaewon, watching her every movement from afar, "I'm sorry Yves is doing this to your beloved Hyejoo, but this is for the better...she needs to get out."  Chuu muttered,
"What was that Chuu?" Yves asked,
"What was what?" Chuu acted confused,
"You said something, what was it?" Yves spoke

"O-oh...I d-did? I don't think I did, I think y-you were hallucinating...haha..ha.." Chuu stammered whilst softly scratching the nape if her neck, "I shouldn't have spoke that out loud!" she thought

Chaewon had taken Hyejoo to the Eden garden held in the boarding school, "Wow, it really is pretty and calming...and peacefully." Hyejoo said as the wind tickle her face,
"I found a butterfly I was searching for here, it was before the bell rang though." Chaewon smiled, looking at the girl sniffing the pretty flowers but the blonde girl noticed a piece of paper about to be blown away by the wind but Chaewon grabbed it on time

"It's Choerry/Yerim Choi
What you need to do to keep Hyejoo safe...
is to follow whatever Yves tells you to do
Trust me, she'll be here with us, you will too."

Oooo spoopy, I'm no shit writing this at 2AM like, tf saige..sleep

ut let's be honest, we all don't know what sleep basically is.
is she a good person? SHOULD WE trust her?
oOp well imma try to sleep now, night kiddos
stay safe fools~

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