You know how when you're little and you brush your hair by your self for the fist time?
All you do is brush over it because you know brushing out the tangles will hurt
And you don't want Mommy to be disappointed?
That's what it's like to hate yourself
You brush over your flaws with make up because dealing with your problems hurts
You're afraid to tell because you're sick of being a disappointment.
So you must stay quite
Don't say a fucking word
Because when you do people don't listen
All they can hear is white noise
And this damn white noise lead you in deeper
You couldn't hear the warnings over it
The only thing you could hear where the voices saying that you aren't good enough
So you open up yourself with the razor
Hoping to feel something
Hoping to have someone hear over the white noise
No one ever does
Your screams are covered with this white noise
Your cuts are brushed over with makeup
You are not yourself anymore
You are broken
The only way anyone knows to fix all this is with
What they don't know is that all you crave is attention
And love
And acceptance
Just an emotion
To know you're really there
All anyone needs is someone to listen
To here the cries
To hear the stories
To show you that brushing the tangles out is worth it
Because when you're done
Everything is clean
Everything is clean
You are no longer an object subjected to unsolicited pain
You are now your own person
The tangles will no longer produce the deafening noise
They will no longer be hidden
You must wear your scars
For they are your battle wounds
You started out as a blank canvas and now you are colorful
You have filled yourself
You have owned your body
No one else can take once you've learned to say no
When you are strong enough to take the fucking pain
To brush the god damn tangles
You are a women
A tiger
You were born ready for this