Chapter Six

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The howls got louder, I wanted to run but I know better than that.

Connor on the ofter hand maintain eye contact with the wolf, he indicates to me not to move while he slowly backs up.

He maintain the eye contact while giving me signals. With every move he made I followed suit, this was the hardest cause the wolf growls at the movement.

We were on a cliff while the river was down below. The closer we got to the edge the more adrenaline pump in my veins.

It was just a blur but an instense we jump down the fear of heights didn't occur to me.

Just my adrenaline wanting to escape.

We hit the water with the loudest splash ever. Luckily the wolf didn't follow us in that would be a disaster.

The current of the water wasn't stable if anything it keeps pulling my body.

I felt I was drowning, my body engulf with water. My mouth, my nose and ears were being filled with so much water.

I couldn't breathe, it burns my lungs. Water seeped in my mouth my fight was over as the water filled my lungs. My mind scattered this is how I die the vile feeling of death choked me.

I welcome it for it's better than dying by my father's hand.

I felt a pull on my arm.


"Hey." A distanced voice said but I'm unable to locate it.

"Can you hear me, wake up." It was Connor shaking my cold body.

"Could you like get off." I cough out, my body freezing to death.

Connor give me a confused look but before he could say anything I clear my throat acting that it was hoarse.

That actually saved my butt.

Don't want this dirtbag to find out of all people.

I try to regain my strength with Connor's help of course. He wasn't even worried just annoyed at the situation.

Damn that stick is really stuck.

I found that we were on the ofter side of the river and laying on the ground was another red flag.

Now I'm guessing this is suicide. I wonder how the others guys are doing.

We only got two that means three more are missing. Life and death situations here I come.

I stumble a little finding it hard to walk in a straight line so I stop a little.

And Connor also stopped I thought it was for me but no, in front of us stood a cave and the funny thing is the small pebbles lead to it.


The sky was getting lighter that means the sun will be out soon and we are no where near the top yet.

I heard the frustration from Connor clearly pissed. I don't blame him I want this over now as well.

So I stood up focusing on regaining my balance and headed to him knowing we can't give up.

I place my hand on his shoulder, squeezing the spot. I knew he understood with a firm node walk on to our doom.

The lightness of the sky gave us better advantage to see a little in the cave but down further gave me the creeps.

With a breath of exhale we walk on like what bad thing could happen?, well let's find out shall we.

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