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I find myself staring at the ceiling, completely lost in thought as I lay sprawled out on my bed. Each little detail stands out to me as my mind runs wild. It's been raining outside for the past few hours; raindrops echo throughout the room while my fingers tap against my skull. My mind races alongside my pulse, my head and my heart are threatening to force themselves out of my body.

Nothing can calm me down, not now.

Henry hasn't talked to me since that day.

It's been a week since that day he said he loved me. He promised me before he left that he would get back in touch, and I made it just a tad easier by giving him my phone number. Ever since then I've felt more giddy than usual, and he's been the only thing on my mind. I can't help thinking about him, every hour of the day is devoted to him in a way that I've never experienced before.

All these questions have been lingering in the back of my mind, and one by one, I begin to answer them.

What's happened between us? I ask myself. What are we? Are we just friends, or...? I mean, we've only known each other for two weeks, but I've never felt so connected to a person before. I feel like I can trust Henry, and honestly... he's made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time. Not since... Millie.

And... he loves me. Actual, genuine, bonafide love! How often does that happen? I don't know how this happened or what I did for me to deserve it but... it's here now. He loves me...

Now I feel like I'm just driving myself crazy.

"I've gotta get myself outta bed," I say to myself, and with sluggish determination I do just that. Even though I'm just in my underwear, I take a quick peek at that wolf in the mirror, and I notice something different about him this time.

The bags under his eyes aren't so heavy now, and it even looks like he's gaining weight. His tail wags eagerly, as if there's something wonderful waiting in the folds of the day to come.

He's smiling. He's... happy.

I grab a change of clothes out of my closet, not really caring what comes out, and throw them on without any hesitation. Black t-shirt and sweatpants, that works well with my light grey coat of fur. I won't worry about doing anything with my hair; I feel like it needs to be cut soon and since there's nothing planned for today, there's not much use in doing anything with it. I lace up a pair of tennis shoes before grabbing my phone off the nightstand and heading out the door. I check my phone screen just in case...

No messages, damn.

A few of the servants take notice of my jubilant mood this morning, and how odd it is in comparison with the somber rainstorm just outside. But nothing is said about it; they just watch and stare as I walk past them, and it's just as quickly that they are distracted by me that they return to their diligent work.

I've been keeping myself to the library for the past few days, because the story I picked up interests me. Weaver always made sure to keep up with his little library, so I could never take out any books without reprimand... but it wouldn't hurt to sit in that dusty room for a few hours.

I check some of the halls to make sure where everyone is: Mother and Father are still in bed, likely recovering from their rather loud conundrum last night, and Weaver has made himself home in one of the studies. Good, I'm on my own.

I peek my head into the library, one more precaution before I make myself at home on one of the sofas inside. The acoustics in the room allow for the sound of soft raindrops to echo... it's soothing, really.

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