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When Izuku walked back out to the register, with all the orders fitted on two trays balancing on both his arms, he said "Alright! Thank you guys for coming to The Midori Café! I hope you enjoy your orders!" after setting the orders down, Izuku then walked over to the cash register and just sat down on a stool. Sundays weren't usually busy, so it was a bit quiet. He took the free time to relax and listen to the music a bit.

As much as he liked getting customers and making people happy, he also enjoyed the freedom. Though, he had a guilty pleasure of listening to other peoples conversations when he wasn't busy.

Some people talked about really strange things. He remembers these two people arguing which cat breed was better. Even all of the random topics he found funny. But usually depending on the topic of which they are talking about, he can choose whether to move on or not.

This time, though, he decided listening to the pro hero's' conversations didn't seem so bad. They were talking about mostly random stuff but also about the café. "This place is so cute! I think I'm coming here again! The food and drinks here are also really good!!!" He smiled at that one.

Then he heard what Red Riot was saying "dude you obviously know him! Why not just ask to hang out?" To which DynaMight(Kacchan) responded "its not that easy.. I was a fucking dick to him. He honestly probably hates me." He heard a faint pout come from the hardening hero and a 'watch your language' from Charge Bolt.

'He thinks I hate him? Huh...' Izuku just looked to his former childhood friend and just sighed. There wasn't much he could do. That is, until he heard a "you should go talk to him!" From Pinky. He started to smile at the thought. It somehow reminded him of how he would sometimes imagine scenarios of what would happen when he saw Kacchan again.

He heard mumbling coming from the group, then a "fine I'll do it." Then he saw Kacchan walking up to him. Izuku just smiled more. "Hey..." The hero looked at him for a few seconds before speaking again "Look, im sorry I was an asshole to you. I hope you can forgive me." Izuku just started to laughed at him. Katsuki looked shocked. "Haah?!? Why are you laughing?" Izuku looked at him, his laugh dyeing down, and said "I've- I've already forgiven you! But yeah, apology accepted." He smiled brighter.

Katsuki was shocked to say the least. But went with it. After calming down a bit he looked around and asked "So.. This is why you didn't want to be a hero anymore?" Izuku's smile softened. "Yeah, but not really... When were in middle school before the sludge incident, i was also attacked by that same villain. All Might saved me. And me being the young naïve child i was, latched onto him and he was jumping off into the sky. After he realized I was there, he landed on a rooftop and I asked him of a quirkless person like me could be a hero.... He... Kinda crushed my dreams... But thats what happens when you have an unrealistic dream. So I opened this place with mom instead! It's... nice." Izuku looked at Katsuki "Enough about me though! You're the number two hero! How do you feel? Its not number one like you always wanted but... Its still a very big achievement!" Izuku was beaming at this point.

Katsuki couldn't stop his heart from pounding a bit faster. 'What the fuck' was all Katsuki could think. "Yeah whatever damn nerd, at least your alright now... Hey so, when do you get off work?" Smooth, Katsuki.

Izuku looked at the man before checking the time on his phone. "Uh well.. We usually close at around 5pm, so in about... 4 hours. Why do you ask?" He tilted his head slightly. "Nothin' just wanted to see if you wanted to go somewhere, to catch up and stuff." The pro hero put his hands up in defense. To which the barista giggled. "Alright mister tough guy. How does 6:30 sound?"

After realizing what he said he blushed a bit. Flailing his arms a bit, he started to ramble on a bit "That's only if you want to and if you even have the time since you know hero's are usually busy and--" "Its a date, then. I'll be waiting out front." the taller male walked off with a wink. The greenette was left a blushing sputtering mess.

The Baku squad was just staring with their mouths gaping as he returned to the table.

~~time skip~~

Izuku was freaking out. He was going on a date. With his very gay crush. How did he get into this mess? Oh yeah! He doesn't have very good self control. Damn it

He didn't know where they were going, just that Kacchan was going to be picking him up, so he just put on a light green oversized hoodie, and had some jeans on. He still had his iconic red shoes of course! Good to know he still had no sense of fashion.

When he checked the time it was 6:25pm already so he ran down stairs to the shop entrance(the café has a living space upstairs so thats where they live). Not before he gave his mother a hug and a 'see you later' of course!

When he got outside it was 6:30 at last. Damn, his nerves were getting the best of him. He took a deep breath before he heard a voice on his left "Oi, nerd!" He immediately whipped his head to the side to see Kacchan standing there. In a white t-shirt with an '[o]' in the top left corner, and some ripped jeans. "H-hi Kacchan!" God this boy was going to kill him whether he knew of it or not.



Also this isn't going to have a posting schedule so im sorry about that and im sorry the chapters are short I'm tryinggg and sorry if it seems like its moving too fast---

edit: fixing Bakugou's hero name and a bunch of spelling mistakes

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