CHAPTER : 8 (A Secret letter)

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                       21st century passing with its turbulence on global level. Peace for believers was almost non existent. Egypt, Syria, Yaman, Urdan, Libia, Kowat, Iraq and Saudi Arabia itself were under indirect control of non Islamic pressure. United Nations has its own Masters and their own agenda. It only belt pressure subdue Muslim world. Love for comfort and Duniya forced Muslim rulers do not raise their heads. Media was a toy for enemies of peace and they never allowed them to reveal what so ever was going on in Palestine. Every resolution presented in UNO against Israelian oppression was suppressed. Internally they were injecting their agents in freedom organisations who were creating doubt and trying to crush the soul of struggle. The Deadly nationalism on geographical basis had drew the attention off the main subject. Thus, this was a routine matter for Muslims of the world.

               Fatima's face was filled with wrinkles, everyone was a witness of personal and national loss. Previous year her husband died mysteriously. He smiled at her while leaving home that morning, he was happy to see the green olives tree. On the same evening his dead body came back wrapped in a white coffin. She used to memorize the sequence of events that occurred that day, then she would became tired every time by this exercise but cannot stop thinking. 'Maa'..Ibaad called her and brought her back to the reality. He put his arm around her neck and she came back at once. She kissed his forehead. "My son! Shall I cook food for you?" He nodded his head 'Ya Maa... I am hungry.' He knew that this is the only way to keep her away from the pain of past. Ibaad-ur-Rahman was the Green Olive in the Courtyard of the heart which kept her heart living. After breakfast, she stopped him from going out of the dining room. " I need to show you something strange" her deep eyes were full of confusion, he felt. She soon came back from her room. She gave a folded paper in his hand,"Son! Today I received this letter in the morning. The letter was thrown by someone at our door. It was strange, but I didn't tell you when you came back from work, I felt that you were quite exhausted." He opened the letter, there was no name nor any address. Its wording was confused and unfocused, apparently it seemed as someone has written it in haste. It's words were,"I am a friend of your father, when you will receive this I would be in some Israelian jail or for worse be dead... son your father owe you a debt. Your father was killed because he came to know something which 'they' wanted to hide. You must try to search its mystery, secret investigation will result in some unbelievable facts. Search them." A friend and not a foe.

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