CHAPTER : 9 (Darkness)

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                                             He found himself in capsule like small mansion when he woke up. He felt like swimming in it, though he was not wet. That mansion was filled with some sticky liquid and he was covered with layers like membrane. But there was a tube connected in his belly. He felt that this all is not cause of disturbance in his body as if his body was immune to it. He tried to remember why he was there? Suddenly his mind started working and reminded him. He and his family were kidnapped at night by some strange people or rather aliens. The kidnappers took them in a balloon of light outside of their home. It started flying in the air. He, his brother Ali, sister, papa and mama, all were victims of this incident. Hasan felt increasing anxiety by the thought of his family. Naturally, he tried to sit in a hurry, but for the first time he became unaware of his situation, he was out of gravity, his body was swimming slowly but he could not sit or stand. He tried to regain his control of mind. He moves slowly to see around him. He saw here and there for sometime and tried to understand. Then he became still out of terror, there was darkness outside... deep deep darkness, suddenly many bulbs became lighted and he saw that those all were capsules in a wall which was like from sky to core of Earth, hundreds and thousands of capsules, each one was filled with liquid, containing a human body. He searched for his brother and sister and found them soon. All capsules were filled with people below the age of 20. It seemed that youth of Adam's progeny was abducted by some other race and became captive in these capsules. ' What is this world? Who brought them here? What is their purpose? Where are his parents? All these unanswered questions exhausted his mind, he became unusually frightened, he felt that his eyes were closing in a slumber, he tried his best to keep awake but in vain. He unwillingly fell asleep. Deep unconscious sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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